hormones and enigmas of the human body

The human body is mysterious and wonderful. If we add the complexities of the human mind (psychology), here we have people as being completely mysterious, complicated and unintelligible in body and mind. The hormones known precisely set the puzzles and complexities of the human body are chemicals produced by glands and have specific functions. The following brief references to some of the hundreds of hormones secreted by the human body. (Illustration: www.estrucplan.com.ar/.../image003.jpg)
cortisol stress hormone (when the four, three, and no happiness.)

mean fatigue stress, not only physically tired but above all, mental fatigue. In our times, stress is inevitable (do you?). In the stress condition is in general we are. When we are stressed the body releases a substance called cortisol to prepare to respond to that stress causes (hazards, problems, concerns, uncertainties, pressures, etc.).. But if the state of stress is severe or prolonged cortisol level increases too much and is the cause of many diseases. It is said that cortisol is also produced in laboratories, artificial cortisol, and is used to treat inflammation, allergies and even cancer.
The only way to be free from physical and mental illness, then, is abandoned completely and not worry about anything not to alter the normal level of cortisol. Efermendades be immune to the body and soul would be in a state of absolute Ataraxia, equanimity, serenity and stoicism. Impossible (or does she?). We are condemned to suffer the ills of body and mind (though inevitably something has to die.) (See below another hormone, endorphin, and other adrenaline, which, like cortisol have much to do with the issue of stress, happiness and human health). If we have the ability to manage our minds or from children teach us how to face life bearable, perhaps hospitals would not be so crowded, although the cemetery itself, therefore, there lived people who die without knowing the hospital and, even more grandiose, not knowing a doctor because they are the ones who produce disease. My father did not believe in doctors, he said: - the doctor gives me medicine, I do not take them, and healed me. (Illustration: http://www.somosnosotras.com/ )
, happiness hormone. The chemical endorphin is an analgesic (painkiller) secreted by the brain that gives us joy, positive attitude, calm, in short, gives us the sensation of feeling good. (Illustration: blogs.larioja.com )
Stay with a good mood. But if this is ultimately what we all want, then do come alive and the endorphins!
The problems arising from external factors that cause inevitably the people causing misery to psychological and physical damage (diseases), but the human body has the capacity to generate their own defense giving psychological and physical force to deal with far to "the vicissitudes of life" endorphins.
However, why (the body) so that it is generated (endorphin) How?, Some are a number of recipes, I, just one: the endorphins are generated to exercise (but not in the gym, but in the courts, in parks, on the Champ de Mars, in the Costa Verde, in the Parque de Las Leyendas, etc.) and meditations. Point. Siem pre
time the exercises and meditations are turned into everyday, natural, necessary, everyday, so everyday, natural, necessary, as the act of daily lunch). It must add something that is absolutely necessary as a complement to the good production of endorphins: food (Vegetables, fruits, meats, vegetables, etc., Etc., but natural, not junk). (Illustration: www.exploralasalud.com/tag/cerebro/ )
Laughter, for example, generates endorphins as some say, is the result of her existence. The laughter has to be, and should be-a result that we feel good (ie, as a sign that we endorphin). Some say wrong, "he laughs, but you feel bad" instead of saying, if you feel bad, do exercises, play sports, meditate, reflect. Saying "laugh, but feel bad," is to promote
r fake laughter, sham, hypocritical, and that scares endorphin further, that is happiness. The success, or achieving what we want to be and do-take with pleasure all that we like to do, optimism, hard work, contagious joy, LOVE people, the will to live, enjoy the hobby , music, food, parties, sex, etc. are states in good spirits as a consequence of endorphins. Are effects, not the cause (the cause is the endorphin). Illustration: trastornoalimentacion.blogspot.com )
The new culture of a new society that must be based on a new education must be to promote sports, physical exercises, meditations, food, contact with nature (with nature), etc.. The new educational model that should encourage all people, from children to seniors, and in all places be it schools, universities, companies, clubs, churches, municipalities, ministries, etc. has educational programs, sports (exercise), good food (natural) and meditations, as the foundation of a new society happy, prosperous and free of poverty. Wow, a leading talk about endorphins, the hormone of happiness is that she has philosophical connotations, educational, economic, political and social.
"If the endorphin is the foundation of human happiness as you say, then what hope scientific researchers who do not believe pills, injections, syrups, beverages of an endorphin and then farewell to disease and human misery?, a pill, human suffering is over, "snapped my friend. And actually there: drugs, ie exorphins. The drugs, from cocaine to morphine through sedatives, anesthetics, tranquilizers, analgesics, medicines, etc. are ultimately artificial endorphins and alcohol because it makes us "feel good" but temporary and artificially, causing us to ultimately harmful effects and addiction, then the "medicine is worse than the disease ", just to be artificial, not natural. Therefore, the best weapon to combat truth to human unhappiness is not with artificial endorphin but with the natural, the endorphins secreted by the human body through physical exercise, good diet and meditation (spiritual) and goodbye drug addiction, criminality, alcoholism, suicide, illness and its disastrous consequences. For this reason it does this lawsuit is legitimate scientists, bring to mankind how and what to do to the human body makes endorphins flowing.
INSULIN: aay from you, diabetes.
The only way to be free from physical and mental illness, then, is abandoned completely and not worry about anything not to alter the normal level of cortisol. Efermendades be immune to the body and soul would be in a state of absolute Ataraxia, equanimity, serenity and stoicism. Impossible (or does she?). We are condemned to suffer the ills of body and mind (though inevitably something has to die.) (See below another hormone, endorphin, and other adrenaline, which, like cortisol have much to do with the issue of stress, happiness and human health). If we have the ability to manage our minds or from children teach us how to face life bearable, perhaps hospitals would not be so crowded, although the cemetery itself, therefore, there lived people who die without knowing the hospital and, even more grandiose, not knowing a doctor because they are the ones who produce disease. My father did not believe in doctors, he said: - the doctor gives me medicine, I do not take them, and healed me. (Illustration: http://www.somosnosotras.com/ )

Stay with a good mood. But if this is ultimately what we all want, then do come alive and the endorphins!
The problems arising from external factors that cause inevitably the people causing misery to psychological and physical damage (diseases), but the human body has the capacity to generate their own defense giving psychological and physical force to deal with far to "the vicissitudes of life" endorphins.
However, why (the body) so that it is generated (endorphin) How?, Some are a number of recipes, I, just one: the endorphins are generated to exercise (but not in the gym, but in the courts, in parks, on the Champ de Mars, in the Costa Verde, in the Parque de Las Leyendas, etc.) and meditations. Point. Siem pre

Laughter, for example, generates endorphins as some say, is the result of her existence. The laughter has to be, and should be-a result that we feel good (ie, as a sign that we endorphin). Some say wrong, "he laughs, but you feel bad" instead of saying, if you feel bad, do exercises, play sports, meditate, reflect. Saying "laugh, but feel bad," is to promote

The new culture of a new society that must be based on a new education must be to promote sports, physical exercises, meditations, food, contact with nature (with nature), etc.. The new educational model that should encourage all people, from children to seniors, and in all places be it schools, universities, companies, clubs, churches, municipalities, ministries, etc. has educational programs, sports (exercise), good food (natural) and meditations, as the foundation of a new society happy, prosperous and free of poverty. Wow, a leading talk about endorphins, the hormone of happiness is that she has philosophical connotations, educational, economic, political and social.
"If the endorphin is the foundation of human happiness as you say, then what hope scientific researchers who do not believe pills, injections, syrups, beverages of an endorphin and then farewell to disease and human misery?, a pill, human suffering is over, "snapped my friend. And actually there: drugs, ie exorphins. The drugs, from cocaine to morphine through sedatives, anesthetics, tranquilizers, analgesics, medicines, etc. are ultimately artificial endorphins and alcohol because it makes us "feel good" but temporary and artificially, causing us to ultimately harmful effects and addiction, then the "medicine is worse than the disease ", just to be artificial, not natural. Therefore, the best weapon to combat truth to human unhappiness is not with artificial endorphin but with the natural, the endorphins secreted by the human body through physical exercise, good diet and meditation (spiritual) and goodbye drug addiction, criminality, alcoholism, suicide, illness and its disastrous consequences. For this reason it does this lawsuit is legitimate scientists, bring to mankind how and what to do to the human body makes endorphins flowing.
INSULIN: aay from you, diabetes.

This hormone stimulates the entry of glucose from the blood into cells so the body has energy to live. So insulin causes glucose to be produced from the metabolism or assimilation of food enter the blood. The body through its own pancreas makes insulin. If you have more than normal insulin, the body gets sick, if less, too, and produces the disease known as Diabetes. (Illustration: blog.espol.edu.ec / jeanbrav )
There are cases in which the body does not produce (diabetes) and must inject insulin to keep living, but there are cases, the vast majority of bodies diabetics, who produce under-or their cells producing enough not assimilated. The diabetic is one who does not have the normal level of blood sugar. Generally said that the symptoms of diabetes are: frequent urination, constant thirst, extreme hunger, unexplained weight loss, increased fatigue and weakness, irritability, blurred vision.
ADRENALINE ; the hormone to deal instinctively to danger.

Adrenaline is a substance secreted by the body and can respond to the danger facing or fleeing. Ie the body to be facing danger and adrenaline produced automatically puts you on alert: your muscles tighten, your heart beats faster, focuses only on the moment of danger. (Illustration: descubrelossecretosderoger.blogspot.com/2009 )
When you talk in public, when you have to respond to physical aggression, when you look assaulted, when yields a test whose outcome depends on many things, when you have walking at night thinking about ghosts, when you go to seduce a girl, when you do something first, etc.. In all these cases, our body gives off adrenaline and prepares us for the answer, for the defense to care.
PHEROMONE, so it is always in season
Unlike other hormones mentioned, information on the pheromone-especially in the case of humans, are still speculative. It is said that the pheromone is a hormone that sends chemical messages (sweat, odor) with the purpose of sexual attraction, but also for other purposes. So, I think, that in the case of dogs, they follow the female-to spot-just because she, being in heat, the pheromone is secreted that is spread by winds so that even the humble and weak puppy that rests peacefully in the distance, get the message across of his nose and goes scramble for it precisely because of the smell which arouses sexual attraction, being with the pack of suitors. (Illustration: www.sindinero.org/blog/archives/407 )
When you talk in public, when you have to respond to physical aggression, when you look assaulted, when yields a test whose outcome depends on many things, when you have walking at night thinking about ghosts, when you go to seduce a girl, when you do something first, etc.. In all these cases, our body gives off adrenaline and prepares us for the answer, for the defense to care.
PHEROMONE, so it is always in season

Once in the village of Vito, Mrs. Petronilla complained to the owners saying that wherever she went, he followed his dogs and care for them because they did not seem right, for his reputation, she went to the fields followed by an entourage canine. One of the owners said: "No, ma'am, do not follow you, follow him to Princess is in heat. Princess was called Petronilla attractive bitch.
's greatest suffering men and women is not to be together, even being close to the person who is sexually attracted because it's not appropriate. The solution, then, is in the pheromone. If you could cast the sexual odor reached the noses of the loved one, it will fall inexorably to your feet. Just this purported "solution" resulted in the appearance of fine manufacturers pheromone (sexual attractant perfume). Pheromone cologne you're done!, They say. Pure lies.
's greatest suffering men and women is not to be together, even being close to the person who is sexually attracted because it's not appropriate. The solution, then, is in the pheromone. If you could cast the sexual odor reached the noses of the loved one, it will fall inexorably to your feet. Just this purported "solution" resulted in the appearance of fine manufacturers pheromone (sexual attractant perfume). Pheromone cologne you're done!, They say. Pure lies.
But they say you can make your own homemade pheromone. This is, for example, is disgusting, although admittedly it pure joke recipe I found on the Internet. "Produce your
essence of pheromones in this way: Every day, before a bath, run the foreskin of your penis back and using a small wooden or plastic lollipops, board smegma all possible (it is that white paste that forms us men between the foreskin and penis) Save the smegma in a small vial and put them together every day. When you have enough (that's on ...) add a little alcohol and shake the bottle. Let stand a few days ... you have your essence. Try it this way. After your daily shower, and then Apply your perfume or your deodorant Put a few drops of essence of pheromones behind your ears. If you dance, try to slow dance thing your girl to approach. I assure you that a good perfume mix with the essence of smegma put your girl to red ... · Make your own essence of pheromones. (Sindinero.org / blog). (In the last shot, escaping Princess pheromones: www.puntomedio.com.mx/ )

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