National University SAN MARCOS
Body (August-December 2010)
COURSE: Dr. Nemesio Espinoza Herrera (*)
Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) in Peru have important economic and social impact in the process of national development. Comprise 98% of business in the country, generate employment by 75% of the economically active and contribute 50% to PBI.No But to their great importance to the national economy, SMEs are now facing a set problems related to markets, finance, technology, management, etc. impossible to achieve the levels of competitiveness in national and international.
This situation demands the presence of a new generation of entrepreneurs of a new type that contribute to the progress of the country through the deployment of their skills and talents to the creation, promotion and management of SMEs.
the end of the cycle, the student should be able to:
a) perceive the strategic importance of SMEs in the process economic and social development of the country as a motivation for their active professional involvement in the creation, promotion and management of SMEs.
b) Develop a viable and profitable business project
c) Undertake own company
WEEK 01: Introduction. Nature and course content. Economic and social impact of SMEs in Peru.
WEEK 02: Characteristics of SMEs. Current Situation of SMEs.
WEEK 02: Characteristics of SMEs. Current Situation of SMEs.
WEEK 03: The entrepreneur, features and capabilities.
WEEK 04: The training of young entrepreneurs.
WEEK 04: The training of young entrepreneurs.
WEEK 05: Business Ideas
WEEK 06: Formulation of company profiles - Business Project (Characteristics of a business project)
WEEK 06: Formulation of company profiles - Business Project (Characteristics of a business project)
WEEK 07: The Marketing Plan
WEEK 08: The strategic importance of sales SMEs
WEEK 09: Factors to consider in a sales strategy
WEEK 10: The sales strategy as the business plan
WEEK 11: Production, procurement and logistics in SMEs
WEEK 12: The finance function of the entrepreneur
WEEK 13: Financing SMEs
WEEK 14: Accounting and Taxation for SMEs
WEEK 15: Legal constitution of SMEs
WEEK 16: Case Legal constitution of companies
WEEK 17: Final rating
is a necessary condition for the better accomplishment of the objectives of the course the student's ninth cycle, soon to be professional, you are really interested in the issue of small and micro enterprises (SMEs), either because it has taken the big decision to become an entrepreneur or business as a consultant to SMEs.
Also means that students who participate in this course is on the theoretical domains of business administration (planning, organizing, directing, control, sales, finance, production, personnel, etc.). why not develop the theory of management of SMEs but will focus on implementing all the knowledge gained to design and implement a plan to create an SME based on the Business Idea.
The final grade is the average of: 1) Presentation and discussion of academic reports, 2) Advances and presentation of business project, and 3) Sustainability of the business project. In determining the final grade is taken into account for students who excel in their active participation in class.
(NOTE: For each key theme will recommend specific bibliography including audio-visual, newspapers, magazines, websites, TV and radio programs, etc.).
1. Creating and Managing SMEs .- Nemesio Herrera Espinoza. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. 2009 edition.
2. Market for Business Development Services in Peru Pyramid Culture Fund .- .- Pronegocio (Society of Business Development Services SAC - IDESI. February 2001.
3. Competitiveness: the challenge of living .- Small and Microenterprise Fund .- .- Pronegocio Pyramid Culture (Society of Business Development Services SAC - IDESI. Nov. 2000).
4. Make your business reality, how to create companies and create jobs with young entrepreneurs .- Dino Linares S. Colectivo Integral de Desarrollo (CID). Lima 2001.
5. Manual for the formulation and evaluation of investment projects .- Pro Welfare and Development, 2001.
6. Articles on SMEs in research journals of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of San Marcos.
7. New Law of Micro and Small Business Legislative Decree No. 1086 (June 2008) Act to promote competitiveness, formalization and development of micro and small enterprises and access to decent employment. (Law No. 28015 of 07/03/2003) .- General Law on Small and Micro Enterprises (Law 27,268 of May 27, 2000 and its Regulations (DS-ITINCI 030-2000 of 09.27.2000).
8. The small and micro enterprises in national development .- Congress. Peru, 1999.
9. The State promotion of SMEs in Peru, F. Villa / Samuel Chíncaro .- desided-SDC, June 1998.
10. Market Small Business Services, second record (The market for non-financial) .- desided-SDC, March 1998.
11. Rich People, passion and glory of the small business .- Fernando Villarán .- .- Peru's Congress 1998.
12. Your own business, practical guide to developing small and medium enterprises. USMP. El Comercio. 1999
Ciudad Universitaria, August 16, 2010
high benchmark ELECTRONIC
http://jcvalda.wordpress.com/2010/07/29/las-respuestas -than-a-entrepreneur-should-know / (Various issues on SMEs in the world)
http://www.crecemype.pe/ (Ministry of Production) http://www
. innovamypesperu.com / (Contests and activities of SMEs)
http://www.perupymes.com/modules/news/ (Peru, a country of entrepreneurs. Various issues related to SMEs in Peru)
http://jcvalda.wordpress.com/2010/07/29/las-respuestas -than-a-entrepreneur-should-know / (Various issues on SMEs in the world)
http://www.crecemype.pe/ (Ministry of Production) http://www
. innovamypesperu.com / (Contests and activities of SMEs)
http://www.perupymes.com/modules/news/ (Peru, a country of entrepreneurs. Various issues related to SMEs in Peru)
http://www .mypeperu.gob.pe/files/investigaciones/28_08_2006.pdf (Mypequeña company grows, guidance for the development of micro and small enterprises .- National Board of Micro and Small Enterprise .- Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion. electronic book of 246 pages produced with support from ESAN PROINVERSIÓN).
------------------------------------- (*) Nemesio Herrera Espinoza. Principal Professor
UNMSM - Doctor in Business Administration - Masters in Business Administration - Management Bachelor - Author of books and articles on Administration - Scientific Merit Award for research work in CSI-UNMSM Administration - Speaker at international scientific events (Brazil, Chile , Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico) - Advisor to SMEs.
E-mail: nespinozah@hotmail.com
Internet: http://www.nespinozah.blogspot.com/
E-mail: nespinozah@hotmail.com
Internet: http://www.nespinozah.blogspot.com/
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