Espinoza Herrera (*)
In those situations there is the need for future managers (entrepreneurs, managers, executives, managers, etc.) Possess knowledge and expertise on organizational behavior and its impact on the development of enterprises and institutions.
First week .- Nature and contents of the course. Characteristics of organizations in Peru. Formation of research teams.
Fifth week .- The human approach of the administration and organization. Organizational psychology. Week Six
Ninth week .- The group behavior and its impact on the organization. Studies of groups and teams. Tenth
week .- Transactional Analysis and Gestalt as explanatory theories of group behavior in organizations
- Organizational Behavior, impact of emotions .- Eduardo Soto. Thomson Learning Ediciones Ibero .- Mexico 2001. In February 2006, the author with Simon Dolan published in the same publishing the book, Organizational Behavior.
- Adalberto Chiavenato Organizational Behavior .- .- .- Mexico Editorial Thomson Corporation, 2006 edition.
- Organizational Behavior .- Don Hellriegel / John Slocum Auditorium .- Editorial SA, Tenth Edition .- Mexico, 2005
- .- John Ivancevich Organizational Behavior / Robert Konopaske / Michael Matteson .- Editorial Mc Graw Hill, seventh edition, Mexico 20067.
- Organizational Behavior .- .- Cecilia Herrera Aliaga Faculty of Management and Human Resources, San Martín de Porres University .- Lima, 2006
- Organizational Behavior Stephen Robbins .- .- Edit. Prentice Hall, 10 th edition, Mexico, 2009
- Organizational Behavior, which aim to develop competitive advantage .- Eduardo Amorós .- Published by the USAT (Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo), Lambayeque, 2007.
- Peruvian Case of organizational behavior .- Editorial .- Isabel Miyashiro Pacific University .- 2003 Lima
- Organizational Design .- José Luis Cossio de Vivanco .- .- American Editorial Lima 2005
- The structuring of organizations .- Editorial Ariel Henry Mintzberg .- .- Barcelona Spain 1995
- process-based organization .- Jorge Macazaga / Alejandra Pascual editor .- Grupo Alfa Omega SA de CV Mexico 2003 .-
- Organizational culture and leadership .- Edgar Schein .- 2005 .- Second Edition, Jossey-Bass Editor .- San Francisco - California. Other books by Schein: Organizational Behavior and development. Organizational psychology Psychology
- Management .- Harold Leavitt. Modern Accounting Editorial .- Argentina (Classical Text)
- Administration in Organizations, a systems approach .- E. Fremont Kast / James E. Rosenzweig. 1986Benchmarking, systematic and continuous process to evaluate the purpose of organizational improvements .- Michael J. Spendolini. 1994.
- Reengineering; what you know almost all wrong! .- Michael Hammer / James Champy .- 1994. Resizing
- , restructuring the company to achieve competitiveness .- Rodolfo E. Biasca. 1993.
- Organization Theory: a strategic approach .-- Hodge \\ Anthony \\ Wales .- Spain Editorial Prentice Hall 1998.
- general systems theory, foundations, development, applications ..- Ludwig Von Bertalanffy.
http://www.itescam.edu.mx/principal/sylabus/rptSylabus.php?tipo=PDF&id_asignatura=377&clave_asignatura=ADM-0412&carrera=LADM- 2004-300
(Syllabus COR, Mexico)
PSICOLOGIA_ORGANIZACIONAL.pdf (Psychology Syllabus UPAO Trujillo)
http://www.mitecnologico.com/Main/ComportamientoOrganizacional (Development Issues in Organizational Behavior)
http://books.google.com.pe/books?id=OWBokj2RqBYC & printsec = frontcover & dq = performance + organizational & source =
bl & ots = YHb6hjmb_e & sig = GYWKtLSuoVudVH_Ts7V4LA0ljBQ & hl = en & ei = pCRoTMG-CsOAlAfC0KyfBQ & sa = X & oi = book_result & ct = result & resnum = 12 & ; ved = 0CEIQ6AEwCw # v =
onepage & q & f = false (Book Behavior Organizational Robbins, tenth edition).
Ciudad Universitaria, August 16, 2010
(*) Nemesio Herrera Espinoza. Principal Professor UNMSM - Doctor in Business Administration - Masters in Business Administration - Management Bachelor - Author of books and articles on Administration - Scientific Merit Award for research work in CSI-UNMSM Administration - Speaker at international scientific meetings on the management of science and Technology (Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Mexico).
Internet: http://www.nespinozah.blogspot.com/
E-mail: nespinozah@hotmail.com
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