Saturday, March 26, 2011

Does D&c Helps To Remove Fibroids



A force Once we become more cynical because time and again the reality shows us that it is money that moves the world, not the desire for freedom, not faith or hope.

In Syria, after a brutal crackdown with dozens of deaths, President country, Bashar al Assad, who physically reminds the Prince Philip, indeed, has signed a decree to increase the salaries of all public employees and employees of companies in which the state, more than 75%. The measure will be aimed at both casual and permanent employees. At the same time, orders weighing lower taxes on wages. The decree also adds, 1,500 Syrian pounds (22 euros) to all wages.

This increase will add a 30% rise in payroll that fall below the 10,000 Syrian pounds and 20% for that are above that amount.

The government also sets the minimum wage for public and private sectors, as well as businesses involving 9,765 pounds mixed in Syria. All changes will take effect in early April.

also will increase pensions by 25%, both civilian and military. And it will be given a bonus of 1,500 Syrian pounds. Also provides for the gradual reduction of taxes affecting pensions and disclaims taxes on wages less than 10,000 Syrian pounds.

addition, they release political prisoners, who are mainly Kurds.

As in Saudi Arabia, demonstrators poured over money to jets, because even in euros is enough, for the Syrian living standards is a good climb and everyone is happy. And of course, the dictator, continues. And all this, as there is no oil, neither the U.S. nor the EU have nothing to say about it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Side Effects Of Leptospirosis Vaccination


with public money

with public money , being of all and leave the sweat of many that are already struggling to make ends meet and yet pay their taxes religiously, you should be particularly rigorous and watch and spend even more tact than our own.

But far from it politicians seem to compete in those who spend more and worse in less time.

In Asturias, have decided to provide computers to the small fry in schools and will buy 1,250 laptops, with a budget of 380,000 euros for it, it will turn out to 304 euros each. Any trader will tell you that you will buy 1,250 computers in a row, after making a thousand bows, do a very special price. Even given the amount at issue may go to a wholesaler, he still will be cheaper. But as the money is public in this case, if they come to 304 euros, as if out of 600 euros. That is the real problem in Spain. That's without getting to Malpensa who will take the appropriate committee, it is that if no, explain when, for 200 euros on the street very apañaditos computers, one by one and without buying quantities.

The BOE, informs us that we will pay CCOO and UGT, 1,200,000 euros in financial support so that they have released few public education to those who paid 40,000 euros year to attend any negotiations to be carried out with the Ministry of Education. As this occurs Easter Ramos, Recipients of the odds they will charge to be hand on hand at the expense of our money. Furthermore, these unions are not major in education.

and for which so far has been unable to lay hands on any grant, we have Núñez Feijoo, is that strip. There are subsidies in Galicia for everyone: for those under 30 years for women, for immigrants, for workers over 40, to help repay loans, to finance investments, to ensure a pay the first month if you put a business, training, technical assistance, in order if yours is not, you go talk to Feijóo and secure which makes it a made to measure, is money.

Native Expansion Guide


Three utilities have been sanctioned by the Community of Madrid by imperfect information and billing consumption estimates. many times as I have said on this blog, that the estimated consumption is a pure scam to play with billions of citizens in Spain.

Community has opened disciplinary proceedings by 3.87 million euros, to understand that they have violated the rights of consumers from Madrid to receive effective information and sufficient and considering that these entities are billed for services not rendered, contrary to the laws of consumer protection.

regional executive urges companies to always check according to the actual reading and never through estimated readings. Madrid Law Consumer Protection states that "goods and services products available to consumers, should incorporate, carry, or to allow objective, true, effective and sufficient on its essential characteristics."

Thus, among other reasons, these companies are penalized for not clearly express the billed consumption periods or for not explaining how to perform the corresponding adjustment of consumption to adjust billing real reading, resulting, ultimately, a bill incomprehensible to most consumers complaining.

is abusive, and therefore prohibited and punishable by contractual provisions that provide for recovery of services used or consumed products effectively. The law also punishes as a violation Madrid consumption "the execution of transactions in which consumers are unreasonably imposed conditions, charges or illegal charges."

So companies can return to bimonthly billing system, or make monthly readings certifying that the consumer is billed for electricity consumed or to continue monthly billing only by fixed costs such as hire of meters, which quantification is independent of consumption in the months in which no actual reading takes place counter.

The Ministry of Industry last year imposed monthly billing to camouflage the real rise in electricity tariffs have since risen on average by 50% in recent years.

And since this terrible habit of having the power in Spain, Endesa without going any further. I request the Government of Andalusia to walk instead of taking money improperly after ERE ERE base, take advantage and the power to fine for the same reasons, because when I phoned to complain about those "estimated consumption", the only thing they can think is that they call you to them, a 902, to dictate consumption indicating the counter, or imposed upon the consumer the burden of proof and top with telephone costs.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Benefits Of A Turboprop Airplane


(Second photo delivery infrastructures San Marcos)

La Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru's largest university, the Alma Mater of Peru Dean for America, meet 460 years of its founding on May 12 this year 2011. In May of this year is also important to San Marcos, and Peru-as through an electoral process (hopefully with universal suffrage and secret) will elect the new president (and vice) and they should be inaugurated, as expected the country, a new time to San Marcos.

The main motivation of this Feature is the desire and hope to see San Marcos ready to build the road to sustainable institutional development, which for claiming national and international prestige to become the best university in Peru and in one of the best in Latin America and the world. San Marcos transform a new college, modern and competitive, is a collective duty and a national need.

Photos VIEW:

Surfboards Convertible

administrative doctrine

Universidad Mayor de San Marcos
Faculty of Administrative Sciences Academic School
Management (March-July 2011) SYLLABUS

administrative doctrine

Espinoza Herrera (*) ==================================


Management Course Doctrine is part of the curriculum structure in the training of professional managers and entrepreneurs. Professional managers are trained in universities to manage companies and institutions, but also to be entrepreneurs. Managers and entrepreneurs must manage with efficiency and quality organizations. It is therefore imperative that with knowledge of the theories of government. Precisely Doctrines Course Management has the primary purpose of raising and deb ATIR the theoretical framework of the various doctrines of government in the world today.


The completion of the course students should:

know the basic theoretical foundations of the main administrative doctrines.

Owning a critical interpretation of the various universal theories of management in the context of the Peruvian reality.

know the nature of government, to design its importance in economic and social development of the country and strengthen their vocation the race of Administrative Sciences and entrepreneurship.



First week: Presentation of the course. Changing methods in the training of administrators. Management career at universities in Peru and the world. Significance of Administrative Doctrine course in the training of professional managers and entrepreneurs. Businesses and institutions such as scenarios in which managers operate. Teams of students training for research. Establishment of academic activities carried out during the cycle.


Second week: synthesis of the historical evolution of the Administration.
Third week: Synopsis of the most important doctrines of the administration in the world.


Fourth week: The doctrine of Henry Fayol. Functions of government and business.
Week Five: The doctrine of Henry Fayol. The principles of Administración.Sexta week: The doctrine of Friederick Taylor. Other authors of the Classical Body. The modern doctrine of government built on the basis of the classical doctrine ("Neoclassical Administration).


Seventh week:
Basics of Human Doctrine. Human theories on the Administration
Eighth week: Basics of applied psychology to the Administration
Ninth week: half cycle assessments.


Tenth week: Bertalanffy and General Systems Theory (GST). Fundamentals of TGS.
Eleventh week: The Doctrine of Fremont Kast. The company as a sistema.Decimosegunda week: The Body as a system.


Thirteenth week: Fundamentals of the doctrine of Total Quality Management.
Fourteenth week: Fundamentals of the doctrine of Excellence in the Administration.
Fifteenth week: Fundamentals of the doctrine of Change and Innovation Management.
Sixteenth week: Assessment.
Seventeenth week: Reviews (below) and delivery of final notes.


The college student is primarily responsible for their own professional and therefore should actively explore, investigate, analyze, report, academic and participate in discussions relating to the themes of the course. Attendance is mandatory. 30% of absences invalidate one of the lowest score notes, unless documented justification and approved by the Director of the School. By 100% attendance is added two points to lower the rating score.

The final grade is the average : 1) academic reporting (individual), 2) exhibitions and participations (individual) 3) Final Presentation of the Research (group).


PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT - INDUSTRIAL AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION .- Friederick Taylor - Henry Fayol Universitas .- Editorial .- Lima - Peru 2000

ADMINISTRATION .- Michael Hitt / Stewart Black / Lyman Porter .- Pearson Publishing Mexico 2006 .-

ADMINISTRATION .- James Stoner / Edward Freeman / Daniel Gilbert .- Prentice Hall 2000 .- Mexico Hispano SA

INTRODUCTION A GENERAL THEORY OF ADMINISTRATION .- Idalberto Chiavenato .- McGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores SA de CV .- Colombia 2003

ADMINISTRATION .- Don Hellriegel / Slocum John Thomson International Publishers .- 2000 .- Mexico

modern management, diversity , quality, ethics and the global environment .- Samuel C. Certo .- Editorial .- Colombia Prentice Hall 2001.

ANTHOLOGY OF ADMINISTRATION .- Nemesio Herrera Espinoza. Editorial San Marcos EIRL .- Lima - Peru 1995

(In the course of each chapter of course will be given the literature)


Evolution of Management Theory

Administration Schools
Management Theory (full) PhD - Video Power Point
Importance of Management Theory - The importance of theories Management Theories

Behavioural theory http:/ / /
Business Administration
Course Doctrine City Administrative

University San Marcos, March 21, 2011 --------------------------------

(*) Nemesio Herrera Espinoza. Professor Home UNMSM - Doctor in Business Administration - Masters in Business Administration - Management Bachelor - Author of books and articles on Administration - Scientific Merit Award for research work UNMSM Administration - Speaker at international scientific events (Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba , Mexico).


Runtime Error Roller Coaster Tycoon 3

2011 Course Syllabus 2011

Faculty of Administrative Sciences Academic School
Management (Graduate School March-July 2011) SYLLABUS


Espinoza Herrera (*)

========================= 1. SOMMELIER

The essential mission of the university is scientific research, namely the production of science, technology and innovation, the same as the main factors to promote sustained and sustainable development of societies in the world today. Within the context

previously noted, the thesis is the final product of the process of scientific research that contains the contributions of the thesis student of science, technology and innovation.

For these considerations, the Thesis Seminar course has the primary purpose of raising and discussing the main basic aspects related to the Methodology for Thesis Plan Administration.


Course Participant at the end of the cycle must:

A) Interpret the importance of epistemology in the process of scientific research and the development of the thesis in Management
B) To strengthen their knowledge about basic aspects of the Methodology of Scientific Research
B) Learn to develop and sustain a Thesis Project Administration


First week: Presentation of the course. Impact of Science and Technology in the process of development of societies. Scientific research in the field of Administration. Importance of the Course in the process of training of managers. Organization of the academic activities carried out during the cycle. Preliminary Registration of Title of the Thesis Project I.


Second week: science and scientific knowledge. Main categories and concepts of epistemology. The Epistemology of the Administration.

Third week: The Scientific Explanation in the process production of Science and Technology.

Week Four: Review of the main issues related to the Methodology of Scientific Research Administration.

Fifth week: Areas, Lines and Scientific Research Programs in the field of Administration.


Week Six: The profile of the Thesis Project Administration.

Seventh week: Principal Axis methodological structure of a Management Plan Thesis. The Problem in Scientific Research

Eighth week: System Hypothesis. The Theoretical Framework. Ninth

weeks: mid-cycle assessments.

Tenth week: Country Work in Scientific Research. Tenth

first week : Presentation of draft

Twelfth week to the sixteenth week: lift, discussion and evaluation of the Project Management Thesis submitted

Seventeenth week: late Reviews course. Endnotes delivery


Given the Thesis Seminar course is aimed at students from the previous cycles of the training and the nature of a seminar, priority is given to the presentation and discussion of academic papers on the topics of the course. It also will give priority to sustaining and discussion of Draft Thesis submitted. Attendance is mandatory. 30% of absences invalidate one of the lowest score notes, unless documented justification and approved by the Director of the School. By 100% attendance is added two points to lower the rating score.


The final grade is the average of: 1) Tabling and academic reports, including active participation in class 2) Introduction of Thesis 3) Thesis Project Sustainability.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .- Roberto Hernández Sampieri / Carlos Fernández Collado / Pilar Baptista Lucio .- McGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores SA de CV of Mexico .- 1999.
methodology, design and development of the research process .- Third Edition .- Carlos Méndez Álvarez .- McGraw-Hill 2001. Colombia. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
for Administration and Economics. Cesar Augusto Bernal .- Prentice Hall 2000. Colombia.
THE LOGIC OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH .- Editorial .- Karl Popper Tecnos .- Spain, 1962 .- 1994 Ninth reprint
SCIENCE, ITS METHOD AND ITS PHILOSOPHY .- Mario Bunge. Ediciones Siglo XX .- Argentina, 1966 .- Mario Buge
EPISTEMOLOGY. Duplex printing works SA. Spain 1993
EPISTEMOLOGY AND RATIONALE .- Jesus Mosterín. Publishing Fund of the University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Peru 1999.
METHODOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH .- .- Alejandro Caballero Romero Edition 1987.
THEORY DESIGN AND RESEARCH .- Manuel Rodríguez Rivas .- Editions Atusparia .- Lima Peru 1991
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND EDUCATION, epistemological approach .- .- Luis Piscoya Hermoza Amaru Editores 1987. Reprint 2003
SCIENCE .- Miguel Rodriguez Rivas .- University Press Fund Inca Garcilaso de la Vega .- Lima, Peru 2002.
DURATION OF THE PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES OF PERU; Proposals for restructuring university .- (scientific research in Peru) .- .- Graphic Nemesio Herrera Espinoza Konigraf .- Lima, Peru 2005. WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING
.- Prepared by the University of Shanghai - China .- Publication the Chancellor of San Marcos Lima 2004
.- INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY .- Augusto Salazar Bondy. Editorial Universo SA. Peru 1968 PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC
Sixto García .- .- .- Editorial Sa Chart Monterrico Lima - Peru 2002
EFFECT OF PHILOSOPHY .- Mario Bunge .- Editorial Fund of the University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega .- Lima - Peru 1999.

ELECTRONIC READING C3% ADa Epistemology . asp
The logic of the IC Popper
Scientific Research Programme in Power Point
Lakatos kuhn / theory /
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Kuhn. hermeneutics of Wilhelm Dilthey / enterprise / plandetitulacion.pdf
Thesis Plan
science, its method and philosophy of Bunge

Ciudad Universitaria, March 21, 2011 ---------------

------------------ (*) Nemesio Herrera Espinoza. Principal Professor UNMSM - Doctor in Business Administration - Masters in Business Administration - Management Bachelor - Author of books and articles on Administration - Scientific Merit Award for research work UNMSM Administration - Speaker at international events on Science and Technology (Brazil, Costa Rica , Cuba, Chile, Mexico).


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Buy Small Pieces Of Corian

Zoe - Zoe Soñe

Ocs Security Clearance Time

Unplugged - Music to Fund - Unplugged (2o11)

warm, toasty here I leave the new material this band monterave
Zoe "Music Features" performed on acoustic musical collaborations includes English Enrique Bunbury, as well as vocalist Adrian Dárgelos, popular band Babasónicos Argentina among others, so here I leave for you to enjoy.

dreamed 02.
Shadows 03. Broken Lips (Unpublished)
Milky Way 05. Dead (ft. Adrian Dárgelos of Babasónicos)
06. Paula
Destroy Me 08. Poison
09. Moon (ft. What Blondo Hello Seahorse!)
10. Poli / Love
11. Infinite
12. Last Days
13. Nada (ft. Enrique Bunbury)
14. Never

Uffa Maruf Download!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tanning Before A Brazilian

Happy New Year:)

do so filthy? ... how are you? I hope this 2o11 of this treated as they deserve, and you know only Jah whether right or wrong. Here in the Nordic lands where I am just celebrated inns, gifts, Abacha and those mothers ...

and they let me describe my petty criminals, the bastards mediafire delete all the files I had ... over time got more disquirijillos, thinking about post it in a not too distant future ... but that future became more and more and more distant and remote. The fart, now that I remembered this brothel and gave me ... invest? ... rather waste my time on this mother, but I am and I realize that all fuck your mother .. xD.

asshole It's getting half the mother, Quesque copyright ... laws are violated Enke large corporations and all that shit that are like the possession of detention, which are only pa 'to be screwing the stick. Bad, bad ... For some time now has been fighting for a decree already entered into force in bastantitos places and this gives nothing less than ... (Drums here ).... FBI cyber have and can keep an eye on how much you consume porn (reptilio. .. if you're reading this are going to dictate the life squared), few films and how much time onlain blowjob, the tune that'll fuck and gets straight to AIPO , the emails that you send with your girlfriend, lover, soplanuca, well ... going to be more tuned to your mom what you do when you're alone in your room. There is nothing that is done, the egg which are aware of what we do, in your mail in which he accounts your friend jon comfortable with what you spent while biting the pillow was confidential? ... NO LORD! By feisbuk not we even talk. The fart now .... I will sue that neither Benedict is going to be able to remove, you will merge into the pot by daunlodear a song, photo, Mubi ... guareber, osease to fuck your mother scourge. To avoid them more long, I leave a videín in which we explained as is the fart .... go for your popcorn, and forjense Kirrio .....

Now, since taking a little more aware of what they are orchestrating a cherubim look after our best interests and those cosirijillas beautiful. As I guess we all caught the fart I'll to leave a stain over tiger pal. This beautiful album was one that delighted my ears last year, one of the ones I liked the 2o1o. ... was designed by Arcade Fire and has p or The sububs title. For if you do not know, these are Canadian Putet and touch something that calls indie. The album has 8 tracks, which take you two or three different environments. The good thing about making a record is not so extensive that does not give them room to create something very monotonous, the trouble is that not often last as long as we wanted, thanks to a Chuyita omeone invention something called repeat. Well my little scavenger vultures s, here are the hard, and I hope you enjoy it as much as your server (click on the images, is the same disc.) Mua, mua ....á.html

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tattooed Womens Genitals


"Quiet" is the new album, Dread Mar-I prepared for celebrate its first performance at the Estadio Luna Park, the album has 10 tracks very good
luciano together (one of the greatest exponents of Jamaican roots reggae) destronchen
so comfortable and listen to the album.

tracks: 01
Guide light Only love

02 03 04
not convince Maybe tomorrow Miss

05 07 06 Moises
08 You and your evil
09 Today

10 free download it only from here!

jahbless ...

Best Compact Binoculars 2010


Jampska, the name comes from the roots of Jamaica, the birthplace of reggae music and jamming musical improvisation that takes place at any time or determinado.El place travel begins in mid-2006 when the group members decided to start creating venezonala issues of his own authorship and well oriented and take an uncertain course making her first album called "I & I" enjoy it.

03 - Light the fire
06 - MR
08 - MAY
10 -

Fumat this!

blessed ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How Proline Odds Work

VA - Greensleeves Riddimentary Selects Diplo

Here I leave this excellent compilation of Reggae Roots Very Good.

Alpha & Omega 01 - Who is the Ruler
02 Hugh Mundell - Jaqueline
03 Triston Palma - Joker Smoker
04 John Holt - Police in Helicopter
05 Barrington Levy & General Echo - Eventide Fire a Disaster
Joe 06 Gibbs - Satta Amassa Earn 07 Rankiin
Version Dread - Fattie Boom Boom 08
Eek-a-Mouse - 09
Anarexol Lone Ranger - Gunshot Mek Daughter Drop
10 Clint Eastwood & General Saint - Sweet Sweet Matilda
11 Prince Jammy - Interface
12 Gregory Isaacs - Night Nurse
13 JC Lodge - Telephone Love
14 Johnny Osbourne - Water Pumping
15 Prince Far I - Survival

Get It's here!

jahbless ..

Stores With Bedding Like Urban Outfitters

Leao Mango & Mount Zion - (2oo4)

Leao Mango was born in Montevideo Uruguay. Leao is considered the greatest exponent of reggae and rap in Uruguay neighborhoods recognized countries of Latin America and the world as an artist and Composer, as well as playing on U.S. radio, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela and Europe among others. Amongst other things for being the only solo DJ Style at home.

01 - Reggae neighborhood
02 - snake oil
03 - Wolf-off
04 - Hipermarket
05 - Sweet lion
06 - No more
07 - jamming
08 - No change
09 - Wolf
10 - Mystic

Fumat this!

jahbles ...

Magna Rx 20 Years Old

Skinny Lions - Let the wave take you

Here is this excellent album by this band Argentina "Lions Skinny" The trajectory of this band is typical of a good set of roots. Its members come from other bands like Dancing Mood, Sinsemilla, all your dead, Big Bamboo or Zion Bless, and are well known and loved by all lovers Argentinean roots reggae.

tracks: Gayatri Mantra

Positive Vibration 02-03-The seventh wave
The wave
04-05-Do not tell me not
06 - 54-46 That's My Number (Toots and the Maytals )
07-War inna Babylon (Max Romeo)

Dub Beatles 08-09-Commanding Wife (version)
10-Sun is Shining (Bob Marley)

Destroncha here!

jahbless ...

How Do I Know Scorpio Man Likes Me

No More Babylon - Roots Meeting

Excellent album by this French band he could record an album with the participation of major exponents of Roots Reggae.

01 - The Seals
02 - Inity Song
03 - Dont Be Surprised ft. Brother Marcus
04 - Nuff Respect
05 - Fathers Luv ft. Josie Mel
06 - Youthman
07 - Give A Helping Hand ft. U Brown
08 - Remove Your Mask
09 - Ethiopian Millenium ft. Earl 16
10 - Who Really Cares ft. Ken Boothe
11 - Million Miles
12 - Gates Or Hell
13 - Silent Revolution
14 - Real Revolution ft. Jah Marnyah
15 - Propaganda
16 - Bring Jah Love ft. Kenny Knots
17 - Drowning Dreams ft. Maryse Chastan
18 - Nyahbinghi Song

Fúmate esto!!


Ezio Hidden Blade Mechanism

Eek-A-Mouse - Eekziled (2o11)

Here is the new material of this great singer Eek A Mouse with 17 very good tracks I leave it there for enjoyment.

01. Eek-A-Mouse - Soldiers Never Die
02. Eek-A-Mouse - Working Girls / I Am Glad
Fi Dub Dis 03. Eek-A-Mouse - Send Dem Kum Of Marley Bwoys
04. Eek-A-Mouse - Bobo Dread
05. Eek-A-Mouse - Version
Schoolbwoy Steppa 06. Eek-A-Mouse - Rudebwoy
Fi Life 07. Eek-A-Mouse - I Want to Know
08. Eek-A-Mouse - You My Girl
to 09. Eek-A-Mouse - Ghetto Living
10. Eek-A-Mouse - They Can not Find
11. Eek-A-Mouse - 10000 Mouses
12. Eek-A-Mouse - House of Ill Repute
13. Eek-A-Mouse - Marijuana
14. Eek-A-Mouse - Spread Your Wings and Fly
15. Eek-A-Mouse - Last Call
16. Eek-A-Mouse - Jail Bird Can not Fly
17. Eek-A-Mouse - Big Hole
Get It's here!

jahbless ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Will An Old Fish Finder Work Vexilar

Manu Chao - Live In Tokyo - The Ventura (2o1o)

Here I leave this excellent live album from eastern lands manu chao you enjoy it.

tracks: 01 Intro

02 The worst of the rumba
03 Hole Seineken

04 05 06
killing Lord Kickback 07
Giramundo / Disappeared

08 Tears of Gold Rumba de Barcelona 09 10
Farewell Mr. Bobby

11 12 A thing
13 Welcome to Tijuana

14 The wind machine 15 is forced / Day moon ... 16 days worth
Underfloor Clandestino

17 18 If I were Maradona
19 Spring 20 Iron Lion Zion

21 My life
22 King kong five kills Politik

23 24 25 Machine gun

Minha galera 26 Tadibobeira

Download here!

jahbless ..

La Boxing Memberships

Tijuana No - Offenders Act (1994)

"Offenders of the Law" is the released first album by this excellent band, the album was produced by the great Fermin Murguruza and counted with contributions from the Manu Chao and who have always been great friends of the group.

1. Toyland
2. Pathetic
Table 3.
transgressors of the Law 4. Tu Y Yo
5. La Esquina Del Mundo
6. Bailo Bertha
7. Call conscientious
8. Poor Frida
9. Kamikazes sheep
English Bombs 11. Gringos Kuklux Klan

Download from here!

blessed ..

Friday, February 25, 2011

Good Source For Pokemon Roms



La Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru's largest university, the Dean of America, will meet 460 years of its founding on May 12 this year 2011. In May of this year is also important to San Marcos, and Peru-as through an electoral process (hopefully with universal suffrage and secret) will elect the new president (and vice) and with them expected to be inaugurated, as the country-a new era for San Marcos.
The main motivation of this Feature is the desire and hope to see San Marcos ready to build the road to sustainable institutional development, which for claiming national and international prestige to become the best University of Peru and as one of the best in Latin America and the world. San Marcos transform a new college, modern and competitive, is a collective duty and a national need.

This Report consists of four parts to be delivered sequentially, I. San Marcos infrastructure (Photographs show how the managers of the University "managed" infrastructure). II. Scientific Research in San Marcos. III. Training in San Marcos, and IV: Management of San Marcos.


from the observations that can be done about the situation of the vast infrastructure that has San Marcos, we can conclude that they are extremely careless. Not attributed this situation to the fallacy of the lack of resources-San Marcos has many resources and to spare-but to the negligence of those managing the university.

As corresponds to the Ciudad Universitaria, also make reference in relation to its limits surround it, as you know the country has fallen into rubble (barbed wire mesh and metal containers) due to the disagreements of the managers of San Marcos with the Municipality of Lima . The fact that this unfortunate situation remains the same for months, for years, with no signs of solution, is also a clear indication of the serious difficulties and limitations of the management of San Marcos.

photographic The second installment of San Marcos infrastructure in SEE:

traditional celebrity Bosquesito of Arts, opposite the historic courtyard of Arts and the new Hall of Administrative Sciences. That's more than 50 years. Urge your revival and perhaps the main lung preservation in University City. The Faculty of Biology must intervene.

Issue initiative to build these modules for stationary services (Internet, copying, printing, etc.). Ensures order, ornament and gain their drivers. Worthy of emulation.
permanent Dump main front of one of the historic wards of the City University

Morro of bare ground alongside Bank of Commerce. The background at right, battered kiosks. It remains for many years.

A good initiative to showcase the University's initial plants, but time, neglect and lack of ongoing maintenance deteriorate further. Note the deplorable state of the shafts (portabanderas) in the main Civic Plaza. In general, areas designated for gardens are big in the City, however, most of them look without plants, others are completely neglected that grow randomly weeds.

Traditional corner of University City (between Av Venezuela and University Avenue). It's in the same situation since its inception. It seems that they were temporary structures and stood as a living monument to neglect. In this place might well have built the great portal of the University, to match the grandeur of San Marcos.

Another example of the neglected gardens of the Ciudad Universitaria.

"" Resolution "Solomonic? The scrap at the side of one of the flags of the newly built university campus. It's there for years, nest of vermin
Dump eternal High Students behind
looks So one of the historic buildings of the City University "Vestiges of an explosion? No, eloquent testimony to the procrastination of the directors of San Marcos. (Photo February 2011). The roofs of the pavilions are converted into junkyard, slum.

Historical whereabouts of the "Donkeys" in the Civic Plaza in University City, looks the same, though, naturally deteriorated by time, as more than half a century.

The traditional Casona de San Marcos (University Park). Luce renovated and still in its splendor, thanks to the cooperation of the Government of Spain and who managed its implementation. Good work.

San Fernando, the traditional and historic School of Medicine, San Marcos. Need a large comprehensive renovation project of its relaunch as a valuable infrastructure, including the Botanical Gardens.

The headquarters of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in San Marcos in San Borja. A tour of its facilities, including the Veterinary Clinic and its green areas, shows that is very neglected.

One of several venues that San Marcos is in different parts of the country, the Veterinary Institute for Tropical and High Altitude Research (IVITA) - Huancayo. A much more efficient and will probably revive and repowering these big laboratories.
housing students at San Marcos in Grau Av. Always showing great neglect in maintenance. Students should also be protagonists for university housing is worthy.
The photographic sequel infrastructure in San Marcos VIEW: