I like this expression, but not in the literal sense of the style of the silence of the lambs that transforms a mere barter of favors. Like in the theatrical sense of the term in which the confusion of senses as easy to use (or sometimes both) leads to the typical and frivolous vaudeville. I like it because it reminds me that once uttered the words no longer belong to us because their connotations and meanings are intermingled in the karma of the causes and effects of our environment which in turn feeds back to shape us. Pushes me to accept that beyond my thoughts and intentions exisit stop my control, I wanted to say has its own life and that worries me while I'm excited. Sometimes, for worse, the result of my hurtful words is transparent, at times, beyond my capacity for empathy get comfort.
Although there may be those who doubt the connection of what I say with what I cook is really astonishing parallelism. The effect of the dishes we cook is not always the aim. Would love the kitchen had the effect of "Like Water for Chocolate" but the phrase of the onions is a truth like a temple ... I'm a real crybaby. Sometimes the commitment and passion fail to offset the effect of iron discipline, the pinpoint accuracy of the technique and control of time. A technique I often get bored and that's what happens when you start the cart before the horse. The plates, when tested, as are words spoken.

In fact, a pear tart not always have to be sweet, with a blue cheese like Fourme d'Ambert Here is a delicious starter. Sometimes, I mix the apple with blue cheese and nuts in the pizza and I think a combination of flavors right. Well, one idea that individual molds can also convert an original appetizer.
Minitartas Pear and Fourme (12 units)
1 package pastry (I made it home but it is more practical to buy it, to fool ...)
2 pears 75g
Fourme d'Ambert (if you like you can add more)
butter 20g sugar 1 cdp (the pears were a bit green when ripe will not be necessary but be careful that does not break too when cooked) salt and pepper
Cut the butter into cubes and pass by skillet until tender with a little sugar. Season. Cut cheese into cubes. Preheat oven to 180 ยบ.
Cut the dough and place in pans. In my case, a silicone tray with 6 minihuecos.Cocer white mass with lentils or chickpeas to weigh and not get up. Fill the gaps with pear and cheese. Place in the oven until golden watch.
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