strenuous After a week, a quiet weekend. It has not rained or the wind has blown. We've moved recently, a birthday dinner for a friend and the typical shopping and weekend errands. However, this does not mean that I have put to test in cooking, in this case, Swedish buns death are ideal for tea and breakfast.

Swedish cinnamon buns (traditional kanelbulle)
500g cake flour 250ml milk 110g butter
70g sugar 1 egg
1 envelope dry yeast for bread filling
100g brown sugar 2 cinnamon cdp
50g butter 1 egg, beaten
Put the milk, butter and sugar in a glass of TMX. Heat 2 min at 37 ° speed 2. Pour the yeast and egg and mix 5 seconds at speed 4. Pour the flour and 15s vezclar speed 4. Finally, knead 5 minutes speed spike. Let it grow to twice its volume (1 h at room temperature for me.)
to remove air. Divide into three balls of equal weight. Extend each to get a rectangle of approx. 20x30. Stretch it out over 1 / 3 of the butter. Sprinkle a third of the mixture of brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll and cut on the bias reversing the angle of cut so they are narrower on one side or the other. Place on a paper for cooking in the oven for the wide side, flattening slightly with your fingers to fill out the sides. Brush with beaten egg. Let rise 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees and cook for 20min. Cool and clever. Tebia are better.
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