Sunday, February 22, 2009

How Long Can Gonorrhea Stay Dormant

pancakes and chocolate cake

250g buckwheat flour

1/2l milk 2 eggs 1 pinch of salt

1 cds oil 1 jar of Nutella

Mix all ingredients with a whisk in the order of ingredients. Let dough rest at least 1 / 2 hour once is perfectly smooth (TMX vel4 20s). Make pancakes, brushing with oil every time the pan (in my case with a potato cut in half). Finally, interlayer between crepes and Nutella crepe extended. mmmm ...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Samantha Anderson 38 G

I like this expression, but not in the literal sense of the style of the silence of the lambs that transforms a mere barter of favors. Like in the theatrical sense of the term in which the confusion of senses as easy to use (or sometimes both) leads to the typical and frivolous vaudeville. I like it because it reminds me that once uttered the words no longer belong to us because their connotations and meanings are intermingled in the karma of the causes and effects of our environment which in turn feeds back to shape us. Pushes me to accept that beyond my thoughts and intentions exisit stop my control, I wanted to say has its own life and that worries me while I'm excited. Sometimes, for worse, the result of my hurtful words is transparent, at times, beyond my capacity for empathy get comfort.

Although there may be those who doubt the connection of what I say with what I cook is really astonishing parallelism. The effect of the dishes we cook is not always the aim. Would love the kitchen had the effect of "Like Water for Chocolate" but the phrase of the onions is a truth like a temple ... I'm a real crybaby. Sometimes the commitment and passion fail to offset the effect of iron discipline, the pinpoint accuracy of the technique and control of time. A technique I often get bored and that's what happens when you start the cart before the horse. The plates, when tested, as are words spoken.

In fact, a pear tart not always have to be sweet, with a blue cheese like Fourme d'Ambert Here is a delicious starter. Sometimes, I mix the apple with blue cheese and nuts in the pizza and I think a combination of flavors right. Well, one idea that individual molds can also convert an original appetizer.

Minitartas Pear and Fourme (12 units)

1 package pastry (I made it home but it is more practical to buy it, to fool ...)
2 pears 75g
Fourme d'Ambert (if you like you can add more)

butter 20g sugar 1 cdp (the pears were a bit green when ripe will not be necessary but be careful that does not break too when cooked) salt and pepper

Cut the butter into cubes and pass by skillet until tender with a little sugar. Season. Cut cheese into cubes. Preheat oven to 180 º.

Cut the dough and place in pans. In my case, a silicone tray with 6 minihuecos.Cocer white mass with lentils or chickpeas to weigh and not get up. Fill the gaps with pear and cheese. Place in the oven until golden watch.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Papa Wheelies Portsmouth Nh

Quid pro quo

strenuous After a week, a quiet weekend. It has not rained or the wind has blown. We've moved recently, a birthday dinner for a friend and the typical shopping and weekend errands. However, this does not mean that I have put to test in cooking, in this case, Swedish buns death are ideal for tea and breakfast.

Swedish cinnamon buns (traditional kanelbulle)


500g cake flour 250ml milk 110g butter

70g sugar 1 egg
1 envelope dry yeast for bread filling

100g brown sugar 2 cinnamon cdp

50g butter 1 egg, beaten

Put the milk, butter and sugar in a glass of TMX. Heat 2 min at 37 ° speed 2. Pour the yeast and egg and mix 5 seconds at speed 4. Pour the flour and 15s vezclar speed 4. Finally, knead 5 minutes speed spike. Let it grow to twice its volume (1 h at room temperature for me.)
Knead briefly
to remove air. Divide into three balls of equal weight. Extend each to get a rectangle of approx. 20x30. Stretch it out over 1 / 3 of the butter. Sprinkle a third of the mixture of brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll and cut on the bias reversing the angle of cut so they are narrower on one side or the other. Place on a paper for cooking in the oven for the wide side, flattening slightly with your fingers to fill out the sides. Brush with beaten egg. Let rise 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees and cook for 20min. Cool and clever. Tebia are better.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What Is The Softest Hardwood

relaxing weekend Culture

He concluded that the culture of the effort is a real hoax. Indeed, I agree with you all these natives of the game you have seen an adult in their environment to the "pitch" and literally lined notes, which have seen the reality loafers create a heritage that is intrinsic to ephemeral nature, based on interviews in gossip magazines and promotions in the clubs, who have discovered that the great wheel of fate is governed by the whim mathematical economic cycles ... but show reservations about the activity that keeps them glued to the couch with the remote control of videaojuegos hands. Sorry to be so politically incorrect, but like any instinct, the effort is written in our DNA and blood in society, just as it does with each and every one of our instincts, he uses his favor to give continuity to the establishment. No need to aim so high that the sun will blind, equal opportunities is not something that is defined in a straight line, there are shortcuts, nooks, narrow, winding slopes ... Finally, there is more to this part of living and feel at peace, consistent with our nature?

Well, I needed to say, I needed to tell someone that the assessment has occasionally received from our working environment does not define us as individuals. Somehow society has tried to program and our own nature and made us fall into the trap. It is necessary to change focus, change expectations, but believe that the results derive directly and essentially the effort. I hate when I say, I know, but I think we need to see from this point of view to build self-esteem.

I gave her a C. Larousse's book Cooking for demanding guests. I think it was a success and that I converted to the religion of love cooking ... Some time ago I made a pill Moroccan beef, this time in chicken using a recipe from the book. C. changed by brick pastry and it was a pie, authentic cuisine Melting unintentionally delicious!

Chicken Pastilla

4 chicken thighs 2 medium onions, fresh ginger 2cm

70g brown sugar 1 / 2 cdp
cinnamon 4 eggs 80g
pasta rolled edge or brik pastry or o. .. (Who Knows?)

Chop the onion and ginger. Fry. Add chicken, sugar and cinnamon and cover with a glass of water. Foam on how much time and cook for 30min.

Remove chicken and reduce sauce to half. Beat the eggs and throw them into the pan, stir by a stir until it is dry (moisture break the brick). Toast the almonds in pan. Shredding the chicken. Preheat oven to 180 º in the case of the brick in bloom, 200 ° for the normal tablet brick (covered plan).

Place in a muffin pan 2 or 3 sheets of brik greased. Put in the chicken, scrambled eggs and almonds, Close in a flower shape. Fill all holes and bake 25-30 min. Carefully unmold the mass is not broken.