with public money
with public money , being of all and leave the sweat of many that are already struggling to make ends meet and yet pay their taxes religiously, you should be particularly rigorous and watch and spend even more tact than our own.
But far from it politicians seem to compete in those who spend more and worse in less time.
In Asturias, have decided to provide computers to the small fry in schools and will buy 1,250 laptops, with a budget of 380,000 euros for it, it will turn out to 304 euros each. Any trader will tell you that you will buy 1,250 computers in a row, after making a thousand bows, do a very special price. Even given the amount at issue may go to a wholesaler, he still will be cheaper. But as the money is public in this case, if they come to 304 euros, as if out of 600 euros. That is the real problem in Spain. That's without getting to Malpensa who will take the appropriate committee, it is that if no, explain when, for 200 euros on the street very apañaditos computers, one by one and without buying quantities.
The BOE, informs us that we will pay CCOO and UGT, 1,200,000 euros in financial support so that they have released few public education to those who paid 40,000 euros year to attend any negotiations to be carried out with the Ministry of Education. As this occurs Easter Ramos, Recipients of the odds they will charge to be hand on hand at the expense of our money. Furthermore, these unions are not major in education.
and for which so far has been unable to lay hands on any grant, we have Núñez Feijoo, is that strip. There are subsidies in Galicia for everyone: for those under 30 years for women, for immigrants, for workers over 40, to help repay loans, to finance investments, to ensure a pay the first month if you put a business, training, technical assistance, in order if yours is not, you go talk to Feijóo and secure which makes it a made to measure, is money.
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