the famous scientist STEPHEN HAWKING WILLIAM
Think that being healthy, not worth as he
This man lies virtually in a wheelchair, is the successor of Albert Einstein and holds the chair of Isaac Newton . It is Mr. Hawking, the famous English scientist of 68 years of age. He has been awarded many distinctions best universities in the world and has been awarded the Prince of Asturias and re ceive, without a doubt, the Nobel Prize in Physics. He was not born that way. When I was 21 years old he suffered a painful disease (sclerosis) it impossible to move his limbs and can not give voice. It is moved in a wheelchair c omputarizada and through a software element emits voices ctrónicas to communicate.
Hawking is a physicist interested in investigating the origin of the universe. Explains his theories through quantum theory and relativistic d General. In 1993 he published his book Black Holes and small universes and other essays in which he argues that the U Nivers, which is based on physical laws, "in fact originated (was created) following a big explosion (Big Bang) and then rise to the so-called black holes controlled by laws of universal gravitation which is what explains the universe and life. Maintains that God created the universe: "I'm not religious in the normal sense of the word," says Hawking -, c defendant that the universe is governed by the laws of science. Such laws may have been created by God, but God does not intervene to break the law. " (Photo: Wikipedia)
"Our solar system was formed about 4 thousand five hundred million years, about 10 million years d e s after the Big Bang. The Earth was formed largely from the heavier elements, including carbon and oxygen. Somehow, some of these atoms came to be ordained in the form of DNA molecules. There is fossil evidence, that certain forms of life existed on Earth about 3 million years ago in 1500. This may have been Continues 500 million years after the Earth were to stabilize and enfirarse enough for life to appear. But life could have been by 7 billion years to develop "(This last paragraph appeared in the Journal dated 11/28/1910 First and Hawking attributed to ).
academic Celebrities estuvie world rum in Lima in 2010
Propeller the fight against climate change and global warming globalization l

Albert Arnold Gore his real name, but e s best known as Al Gore. He was Vice President of the USA, was dog didate for the presidency of his country (he lost to Busch). But Al Gore rose to fame for the theme of climate change that gives rise to l global warming is the great danger for humanity and for his sermon by l to environmental conservation. He won the Nobel Peace Prize and the documentary An Inconvenient Truth fímico dealing with environmental pollution won The O scar. So, Al Gore became even richer . (Photo Wikipedia)
According to Al Gore, the environmental pollution that threatens the destruction of the planet, is caused by people, especially by industry and by that of the sintered Governments and advocates the creation of clean energy, ie energy that does not cause pollution to environment. He came to Lima, invited by the Environmental NGO 3R3 (its motto is: reduce, reuse, recycle), to give a lecture ( Thinking green) about the dangers of environmental pollution.
Michael Porter
competitive advantage beyond the advantage

Porter is Professor of Management at the University of Harvard. He sprang to worldwide fame p his preaching or about the competitiveness of firms and countries. Being competitive sig quick explanation do well (quality) that is desired. For companies to be competitive and profitable to do something different from what you do l other (differentiation) should pay more attention to the sector which are (segmentation) rather than several, which covers much little squeeze, "and should have a good pricing strategy and cost (cost leadership).
If you have everything in abundance that the others do not, and you have S o ntaja Comparison See , but if you have nothing or little but make a profit, then you competitive advantage (competitive strategy .) Better a competitive advantage comparative advantage. In the field of "Competitive Advantage of Nations, Peru, for example, has a comparative advantage (it is a country of wealth) but poor, ie has no competitive advantage (because there is corruption, no h ay science and technology, no enterprise, or at least not encouraged, "there is mediocrity, and so on., ie no competition). (Photo:
Muhammad Yunus
Turning poor young entrepreneurs
Yunus, born and n India has gained worldwide fame to get the prize Prince of Asturias and the Nobel Peace Prize by concern for the poor of the world. Recently was also in Lima and was declared a Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos . His approach and work is to give small loans to poor people but with initiatives and entrepreneurial spirit. Grameen Bank has created who developed the concept of microfinance and provides small loans to start a business project.
The decline of the ideologue of neoliberalism mu ndial

Japanese-American , shot to fame when in 1992 he published his contr overt book End of History and the Last Man than helped by a Special librístico turned the marketing world and Fukuyama became one of the powerful academic world. Fukuyama preached that the struggle between capitalism and communism had come to an end and that mankind lived at last in capitalism. For him, among other things, capitalism as id eología (neoliberalism) had won outright, communism (socialism) had failed ideologies were no longer needed, tended to develop science and America was the most powerful country world. It was the prototype, it is still "a completely neoliberal ideologue.
Today we know that Fukuyama was wrong in his opinions and predictions. The new economic conditions, po lytic, ideological, social, that are set in the world today, have been responsible for distorting Fukuyama. Yet and still with fame, came to Lima invited to give a lecture.
"Twilight of the humanities d on Earth?

Drauzio Varella, famous medical Brazilian writer and co says: "in the world or current is being invested five times more on drugs for male virility and silicone for women, in the treatment of Alzheimer's. From here a few years old will have big tits and old with ne pe hard, but none of them agreed to serve. " Pathetic description of sexual twilight of humanity and the spread of diseases that science has not yet eradicated.
Our parents, grandparents and great grandparents (and us, the reader and I) did not use or Viagra, or condoms or silicone, they were unnecessary ios. However, were-and are "quite happy with your sex life. At just natural. The more natural, the more the enjoyment. With regard to sexual matters, my aunts very discreet and libidinous said, "men to where they can and women s until his death with what they have."
Then, as still today, there was no need to make that can not have what you do not. If you are unable and / or you do not, what can we have done. However, the science of sex, wants to do, for example, that the adjournment viagra who will not stand, silicone body has a "beautiful" and the condom shortcut to experience orgasm without contact or skin friction skin. To all this add-tube babies, cloning, surrogacy. What sense would then make sex for pleasure and to reproduce, as commanded by God, if both things can be done artificially?
In so fatal situation Whither mankind on sexual and reproductive health? For the purpose of the theory of evolution and the biological law of natural selection, is chilling to think that here a certain time (50, 100, 500 years?), Perhaps there will be no sex in ways that Today we still do: man and woman without shortcuts or subterfuge. Maybe just not the will. A penis that does not contact with the vagina (because he brought a condom), eventually atrophies and disappears, then what must be something that no longer works for what should serve. Prosthetic breasts and buttocks, eventually will not have natural boobs and hips. Artificially erect viagra over time will make manifest the absurdity of the penis because it is like to stand up and defend himself and tends to die out.
As if all this were not enough, and even to the great misfortune of mankind, looks stronger Alzheimer's sad disease that obscures the mind and does not remember who we are or who are those closest to us and if we add to completely forget what they are these two big tits silicone based and what that penis based on hard viagra; better come death, and soon. Anyway. I wonder: What effect will the future what life on Earth without sex?!, Worse still, unable to remember how and why. Reflect (and pray). God help humanity ad.
my countryman JUANITA
Chinitos are your eyes

My countrywoman Juanita is one of those cholas, as my uncle Antolin "good rich" and, worse, quarrelsome. Where to put the eye put the bullet. (A good listener, few words.) He had the reputation of "grave cholo." But, yes, was also characterized as being hardworking and m u responsible. One day, out of curiosity and I entered a little trust with her, I asked, "Hey Juanita, you make love with a condom? Juanita had no idea of \u200b\u200bcondoms, because it was cucufato in some "currencies", and a defensive attitude show that you know what you are asking, after a brief reflective pause, he replied: "Yes, with Don Juan, Don Domingo, Don Justo, with Don Telésforo. That is, had risen, which is as they say here when someone does furtive and fleeting sex-most of my countrymen, as we suspected. (Photo:
After several years I learned that Juanita lived with my countryman Jacinto. In Vito, my people, it is proven that marriages last a short while togethers, forever. One day we find Jacinto and to celebrate the reunion of our friendship we entered the Bar Tobara (nostalgia comes from knowing that no longer exists, that sell beer for good health and happiness, now a pharmacy sells medications that worsen the health and sad, or as my father, "the doctor gives me medicine, I do not I take them and healed me! "). After talking around, comes beer, beer goes, Jacinto determined to tell his life. He said that Juanita had fallen madly in fact still very much in love, that without it, it was felt his life, he had a son almost two years, but kept a big secret that to be your best friend decided to let me know, nothing more secrets because for me, a grave. "Look Nemesio I said, surely you must know Juanita worked the last three years where Chinese Lau in Chifa. It turns out that when my son was already 6 months old, I was worried because I still did not open their eyes and fearing that it could be brought to medical illness.
Jacinto, with features absolutely nothing Andean oriental and told me what had happened in the office. Supposedly the doctor checked it very carefully to the child and ensuring that Juanita, your partner, do not listen to what he had to say, led to an adjacent Jacinto and without mercy, would have said: "Look Friend, I regret to tell you that you have to open your eyes you are and not drink because he is Chinese. " Jacinto Hearing this almost escapes me laugh, not ridicule it because it was like I was telling a joke Miguelito Barraza, but fortunately I held and striving to present sorrowful my face said, "That means no your son, I stammered. "I still doubt unsuspecting Nemesio, of course it is not my son, asshole Lau Chinese, I replied. "But if your doctor told you that a year ago and a half, I see you're still living with her, I said. Sure they love both Juanita and precisely here is my problem. In this time-lag and About 3 years-not see either, or Juanita or Jacinto. I worry how this situation will scarcely hears me, I'll keep counting. (It's the first time and will be the last, to tell you a secret confided.)
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