Industrial Park The case of Villa El Salvador (Study of technological innovations in the Park Industrial de Villa El Salvador) and (university-SME competitiveness as a mechanism business. The case of the Industrial Park of Villa El Salvador).
regret to say that during this visit to PIVES, I have seen some situations worthy of concern. He found, for example, the same situation several years ago and even more damaged by the passing of the years. I appreciated, to cite another example of how the access roads are totally damaged PIVES and, apparently, no one is concerned about the situation. Also concerned to note that the terrible divisiveness persists guild PIVES entrepreneurs. In general, I find the Parque Industrial de Villa El Salvador very shabby and apparently in a process of serious setback. Sorry this situation because PIVES not forget that since its creation was one of the most important models of Industrial Parks not only at home but also in Latin America. It is therefore necessary, joint efforts (state, universities, business associations, local government) for the conversion of PIVES.
referred to in the Public Hearing, in my capacity as guest speaker on the topic of the Importance of Industrial Park, I raised an issue of vital importance: the need to convert or to gradually transform the Parque Industrial de Villa El Salvador

FIRST: and Peru The world has changed. We are in the XXI Century and the Third Millennium. The concepts, ideas, practices have changed and must continue to change. The concept and practice of Industrial Park, typical of the past, change in Peru, as already happens in other countries and in Latin America to build gradually but steadily the new concept and practice of the new Technology Park.
THREE: The hinge between the traditional and the modern enterprise and between the traditional employer and the new type is SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION. That is, modern businesses able to adapt to change and win national and international markets as well as modern entrepreneurs capable of achieving them, have a common characteristic: they are based in science, technology and innovation. Today our companies, our business today, companies and entrepreneurs settled in PIVES, pay no attention to science, technology and innovation, for this main reason being they are. Thus, science, technology and innovation is the distinct difference between traditional and modern company, between the traditional and the modern entrepreneur.
FOURTH: Only businesses and entrepreneurs who operate on the basis of science, technology and innovation can get COMPETITIVENESS so-and only then, can conquer national and international markets. Businesses and entrepreneurs in Peru, business and entrepreneurs PIVES have no markets, only local markets are not in regions of the country do not have foreign markets, so companies and entrepreneurs are subsistence poor, defenseless, small, micro. All this for one simple reason: no attention to science, technology and innovation.
FIVE: Who do science, who produce technologies and innovations? Are universities. The universities are a priority activity and fundamental scientific research to produce science, technology and innovation (or universities). Thus, for companies to become modern, that the entrepreneurs of new type (new thinking) and winning national and international markets is absolutely necessary to the link-but-true business and entrepreneurs to universities, and be mutually beneficial linkages to universities to develop need to be linked businesses and entrepreneurs. But not only requires pairing Universiade / Company but also with the state and, therefore, with regional and local governments. However
What is the Industrial Park in Villa El Salvador today? It's just a place where businesses and entrepreneurs settled, everyone on the other hand, does not act as conglomerate or "cluster" in such conditions is not-cannot be-connected the PIVES to the University's presence is not leading role of the state, the municipality, community, guild, do not give any importance to science, technology and innovation; market does not have the same PIVES, not export, etc.. In short, the Industrial Park of Villa El Salvador typically acts as an "industrial park" traditional, orthodox, to the old. That's one of the main reasons why the PIVES is having serious setbacks and perhaps, while not doing anything about it, collapse, if not already.
This is said about the PIVES and the need of conversion in a Science Park is also extended to the case in the country. Peru does not need "industrial parks" in the old style. Peru needs to rush the creation and development of technology parks. (See Article regional technological parks in Peru at the following address: In this article I propose the creation of Technology Parks in the regions of the country). Peru needs to industrial parks (Lima, Trujillo, Arequipa, etc.), But not such, strictly speaking, become gradually Parks Technology. Peru needs that PIVES gradually becomes, as a process in the Technological Park of Villa El Salvador. Peru needs that businesses and entrepreneurs to act with science, technology and innovation in the hand.
And what is a Science Park? A Technology Park is a great physical space that holds strategic partnerships between government, businesses and universities, in order to develop the business based on science, technology and innovation with full capacity to win national and world markets and to protect the environment. (It is important to review the vast amount of literature existing on the Internet for technology parks in the world, especially the experiences of Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, etc.).
suggest reviewing these other websites: (on business incubators), (Portal Industrial Park in Villa El Salvador), (Portal of the Municipality of Villa El Salvador) and images/upload2009/pn_ctei/plannacional_ctei_version_2009.pdf (National Plan for Science, Technology and technological innovation for productive development and social development 2009 - 2013).