I thought I liked the beef round and hardly like me in life. But see if it turns the world, I recently discovered that the only thing I disliked was the coción that my mother made him. Two hours zipping around in a clay pot until the meat was so dry inside and out. And suddenly, travel insurance following a route of neuronal synapses unexplored until the present, coarse meat association with round and I intend to cook at low temperature to make it as mellow as possible. I found an interesting recipe for a low temperature appliance brand here. This technique is not new, nor any laboratory weird invention halfway through a kitchen, I assure you, though lately it has become fashionable in many houses and always cooked. The result from my point of view is great, do not lose juices waning just as the weight of the piece and texture from my point of view is amazing .... (OK, the pictures are fantastic cuts, the knife cut but I'm a bit clumsy, we're going to do ...) The meat should reach about 60 degrees in the center of the room to be perfectly cooked (pink, but cooked ), not more. If you have temperature sensor, perfect, as is my case, basically eye or intuition. I put the oven at 75 ° and left the meat 800g for 4 h to ensure shot. Fantastic! I'll try with other meats, it's easy, it is only in the oven while you sleep, salts or work and the outcome from my point of view is truly memorable.
low temperature Cut of beef with potatoes and mustard sauce

round beef 800g
1 bunch of sage, thyme and bay leaf 4 medium potatoes
100ml double cream 2 cdp
mustard 1 egg yolk (I had it in the fridge and I thought .... enrich the sauce completely optional)
Preheat oven to 70 º. Pass the meat in the hot pan to create a golden crust capture liquids. Put the meat in a cooking bag or in my case, wrapped in foil tightly closed along with the herbs. Cook for four hours (you put it in the morning when you wake up and be perfect for lunch at noon for example ....).
When eating, boil the four potatoes and mash with the fork and mustard cdp AOVE. For the sauce, reduce the cream to the cdp Mustard (seasoning) and end of thickened with egg yolk.
When removing meat from oven, mix the meat juices with the puree and pass through the pan again to let crispy on the outside. Cut the meat hot fine, no problem and mount the plate. Eye, being the meat cooler, cools quickly, one trick is to preheat the dish even though I made up for with the sauce that was hot.

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