Sunday, May 30, 2010

Free Reading Onlineletters To Penthouse

RESUME Issue 36 - Journal of Poetry virtual

Tupacamarú. Miguel O. Menassa

Poetry School
Group Zero
Director: Miguel Oscar
RESUME - virtual magazine of poetry -
Workshop Sunday at 17.00h.
Alcalá de Henares
NUMBER 36. Sunday 05/30/2010
Coordinator: Carlos Fernández Goose

A special glow. Miguel Oscar Menassa

That dawn noisy
where the chirping of millions of throats hoarse
together on a pilgrimage to the impossible,
not change anything.
I would like for you, other colors other songs.
that the branches do not dry out the line of the struggle, the voice
not choke on drinks kerosene,
that the look is not blind in the past,
that your hands are chapped like corks
caress the skin of a woman.
May the road of a thousand lonely loneliness is more
into exile in the blood, starch
with shovels and spades
paper to conquer the silver clouds, aqueous iris bouquets.
hell hole and sing the no pass, but those who want it.

Francisco Javier Rueda Diago

For birth. Miguel Oscar Menassa


precious mirror of wind and the moon
drink water in your desert misleading
drink your light that shadow looks
that runs through my body and stretches you again
silence peopled with echoes

feel my flesh grow
permeated by that sun and those perfumes
as if you twin the
fury of heaven and earth to awaken
that whine invisible
open those new eyes to a world behind it
in a hall of mirrors asymmetric
where I had dreamed!

Piotr Rzany

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Female Session Wrestlers

Candidate Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in San Marcos


San Marcos



In merit their work and efforts in the past three years within the Movement INNOVATION AND LEADERSHIP well as its performance as a member of Faculty Council (period 2007-2010), and, in recognition his career, his work as a teacher and in the field of research, the Educational Movement INNOVATION AND LEADERSHIP, proposed to the university community of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences as a candidate for dean Dr. NEMESIO HERRERA ESPINOZA.

Miraflores, May 26, 2010

Dr. Roger Loayza Eloy Saavedra Dr. Alejandro Narváez
Mg. Manuel Ruiz Garcia
Cross Arturo Castañeda Dr. Achilles Bedriñana
Dr. Mario Ibáñez

Machicao Dr. Nemesio Herrera Espinoza

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Will A Reptile Respire More In Warm Temperatures

RESUME Number 35 - virtual journal of poetry. -

Tupacamarú. Miguel O. Menassa

Poetry School
Zero Group Director: Miguel Oscar
RESUME - virtual magazine of poetry -
Workshop Sunday at 17.00h.
Alcalá de Henares
NUMBER 35. Sunday 23/05/2010
Coordinator: Carlos Fernández Goose

"Lost City", Miguel Oscar Menassa


last vestiges of cornering
feelings, ideas fragment
men who trained in armies
dying between sonorous voices,
time profiles, deformed,
without God, Country,
left to their fate, their faces obscured
abandoned the light from the shadows.

Unable to rip a different path
to forge a new story,
sunk in the depths of the ocean, outcrops
vacuum beasts, discouragement,
and the mirror of the soul, and singing
numbed pain, loneliness appears
to mark the path of the verses,
to combine all the words,
riding on the steed of desire,
looking for something new. Desperate

song of freedom in the delirium of the night
feet sinking into the compass of the spasms, the poet tends
the great blanket of grass color
where rain is eternal ,
sin multiplies, and hordes of men
tiptoeing on the labyrinths of ignorance,
long for a poem,
afraid of ghosts of the human condition and scare away
merchants of silence.

Prada Vicente Gómez

"human passion" Miguel Oscar Menassa


Shipwreck in your arms, looking for birds without wings

quivering bodies in the wind of liberty. Real

culminate in a remote desert name
at a glance that opens beyond the horizon,
in a silent night, ashes and tears.

are the hours of sand slip into the secret
of riddles,
between the concave shadow silence naked, devouring the skin
last dream. Swing

voices in the loose corner of the ghosts
chained in the certainty of memory.

Soledad Caballero Castro

"El Camino de Santiago" Miguel Oscar Menassa

suddenly one morning

Suddenly a
morning I wake up with the pain of goodbye forever.
was just a word fleeting passage through the side
to side, and remained stagnant
with rust on
to imprint in my anatomy.

So I look like a runaway animal,
that remains inert in the midst of a breath, kiss
when hope is based on the wind passing
and my cheeks are frozen and skinned
and turn from mauve lividity.

And suddenly encounters another morning without wanting
from your side are heading to a strict order,
caresses the hours, meetings in the days. And again
devoured the yearning of your breath
Broken Embraces and hardship of being eternal.

Ortigosa Carmen Martín

"Spying on the Future" Miguel Oscar Menassa


sometimes you find a knot in the rope
in their point of melancholy about the end
or an ashtray full of cold smoke everywhere
or stumble buzzing fluorescent
in your skull or doors suddenly opening your mouth
or you invade midnight moonlight blue plated bones from cemeteries

sometimes you must start babbling somewhere and go to another

contain no more crazy than it might have this or that
marble floor or the doorknob and the crack
of the boards in the upstairs crossed by bands of light
who gives your window singing a duet with
irrational force

brain sometimes every sentence becomes a crypt that is stinking
with claws and eyes open sometimes
draw perfect circles in every word and every paragraph is a caravan with pests
walking toward the fire
and swallows man

Piotr Rzany

"Gathering on the banks of the River Duero" Miguel Oscar Menassa


There, where your smile sow,
where you say stay,
will be the site of your default choice.

Not anymore. In your presence
stone or cover with your love triangles
related to your desire. Never again

decorated crystals for the anachronism of the past,
not even the animosity,
parading through my body, a clumsy fall.
Erect, stiff, rocky
you walked by defeating enemies with large crosses
slate and starch.

Those eyes, which small diamonds strung with lianas
fine line, near the Dead were
much to do, both fact and
your face always displayed a sincere smile conquered thrones

a rush of water and coal.

alone, just say that the books
not forget that once you, polishing your loins
with sweat and solitude could tell of other worlds
clouds and tinsel.

Your footprint marked the ground with
five whips and snakes tamer
never forget.

Francisco Javier Rueda Diago

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jenna Jameson Filmografia Stream

Presentation of "LIPS OF TIME" Soledad Caballero and Prada Vicente ALCALA DE HENARES

Sperm Sharking Stories

poetry recital Musical Tribute to LEON FELIPE Friday 21 May at 21:00.

Friday, May 14, 2010

What Is Going Virusis Are Going Arond

Recital de Poesia de Miguel Oscar Nominee Menassa Nobel Literature Prize 2010 at the Blas de Otero Center of San Sebastian de los Reyes

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get Back A Std Test

popular culture Bullets

fruitless search HAPPINESS
Stones in the Road

I have great sympathy and admiration to the reflections of the great Buddhist philosopher and wise Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyate) on human happiness. The idea is very simple: how to achieve happiness (true)?. Well, not so simple, because in fact what happiness means to me, for you, for some, for others?. However, apart the discussion of the inherent nature of happiness, Dalai Lama preaches that the path to true happiness is LOVE. "Our basic objective, he says, is to enjoy a happy life .... the purpose of our life, the goal of our life is happiness. " "We are more than mere matter .. therefore, material wealth alone is not enough ... we need something deeper (human affection or compassion). " That is, to be happy we need love, but true. (But what is true love?), We need tolerance, compassion. Preach love as a universal religion, is a good account of true religion.

"If we're in a good mood when you wake up in the morning, if there is in us a feeling of goodness, it automatically opens our inner door that day." "The ultimate origin of this pleasant atmosphere lies within each one: a kind heart, human compassion, love and helps reduce fear and insecurity." "Natural Law: affection (compassion) is the key to happiness." "Every kind of happiness and suffering can be divided into two main categories: mental and physical. Of the two, the mind is one that exerts a greater influence on most of us. "

That is, the road to happiness is paved with obstacles, is it then, roadblocks, one of which is precisely our mind (our thoughts, our ideas, our reasoning). Finally, the man (and woman) do not find in their earthly lives true happiness because they find no peace of mind, we are, inevitably, doomed to be unhappy.

Make more serious efforts to get peace of mind, whose raw material is LOVE, that is, or should be, everyday task that brings us closer to happiness. "From my own limited experience," says Lama, "I have found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we worry the happiness of others, the greater our sense of wellbeing ... This helps remove all the fears and insecurities and gives us the strength to face any obstacle. " Says "we are bound to encounter problems ... everyone should experience suffering." I say this, why should it be so?, Why do we have to suffer forever? Which brings us to the eternal human misery on earth and in this life?, Do we have to continue suffering with the alleged hope of a better life after death?

test a conjecture about it: 9O% of human misery on earth and in this life is due to relationships between people, relationships that are based on the lack of love and compassion. The absence of true love between us, between people, is the real cause of human misery. 10% of our unhappiness is perhaps represented by the inevitable, inexorable: the ravages of nature that takes away what we love, the life-threatening illness and death itself that kills us. Wars, hatreds, rivalries, treachery, anger, rage, ie, human suffering as a result of the interrelationships between people (their minds) is the major source of unhappiness and suffering. We suffer because our relations with us, between people-driven by our minds-not prevail LOVE, but its antithesis: hate.

"In general the final cause of suffering is the mind: the mind affected by evil thoughts such as anger, jealousy and clinging to things." Life is short and much of it has passed. Death can come at any time and when I do the only thing we take with us will be the mental imprints of the actions of our lives. " Stop suffering, let us love, but true. Not with words but with deeds.

Albert Einstein proves that the evil is the absence of good (ie, absence of God)

(My mail came an e-mail without identification PowerPoint which describes a story that I reproduce below.)

"God created everything that exists?" Asked the teacher to student inquisitor. Yes, he created, the student said. "If God created everything that exists, then God created evil, since evil exists! And if we establish that our works are a reflection of ourselves, then God is evil! ", said the professor.

Professor, does cold exist? But what question is that? ... Logical that exists, or perhaps never feel cold?, Asked the professor. "Actually, sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is really the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes this body have or transmit energy. "Absolute zero is the total absence of heat, all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction, but the cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel when have no heat. "

And, does darkness exist? There, said the teacher. The student answered: The darkness does not exist. The dark, in fact, is the absence of light. "We can study light, darkness, no! "Darkness is a definition used by man to describe what happens when there is no light."

Lord, evil exists? As I stated at the beginning, we see rapes, crimes, violence around the world. Those things are evil. "Evil does not exist sir, or at least does not exist by itself. Evil is simply the absence of good ... In accordance with previous cases, evil is a definition that man has invented to describe the absence of God. "God did not create evil. ... Evil is the result of the absence of God in the hearts of human beings. Is equal to what happens in the cold when there is no heat, or the dark when no light. My name, ALBERT EINSTEIN, professor.

The Conchudo, the dumb and stupid

"He who does not live Conchudo, dies of dumb." The authorship of this kind of proverb for the July Hevia psychiatrist, professor at the University of Lima and graduated from the School of Psychology at San Marcos. He adds: "I do not know if all Conchucos or want to be assholes, but at least we do not want to be bastards or idiots, and the desire to avoid maybe we go to the extreme "(On Sunday, El Comercio 10/13/2002).

The State, the Church, the Army, academia, business, marriage, jail, saloon, in short, society is plagued by Conchucos, bastards and assholes. Lift a stone and displayed by the dozen such vermin. Engineers and said that mediocrity is a social value, the conchudez, the lunacy and bullshit are also being social values \u200b\u200band types of human personality. Although, to be Conchudo already is, in itself, be stupid, however, should speak in Peru, in terms of the triad: the Conchudo, the dumb and stupid, because every country has its own meanings.

pendejo A typical example is Rasputin, who was a humble farmer, but for its innate nature, was a "profligate." Rasputin managed to enter the service of the Tsar (king of Russia) and earned his absolute confidence because it gave sound advice that allowed the king to stay, well, in power. Good account, Rasputin was kind of witch, witch, healer, spiritualist, and, to complement its (mis) fortune, a sex maniac all the palace, including the Queen, fell between her legs and all was the best women making love, that is, Rasputin was a perfect fool. But he believed, as fools mistakenly believe today-that he was immune and unpunished and the poor dumb Rasputin was murdered. They say that Rasputin had the biggest penis in the world (40 cm) and severed penis that may be exhibited in one of the world's museums. For me, this conjecture is another bullshit of those who claim to idolize Rasputin.

The adage "God save me from my friends that I book my enemies" is an unequivocal signal that having been dumb, one comes to realize belatedly that was surrounded by idiots (as) or Conchucos (as), who is declared be friends of yours. The corrupt (abundant in Peru), to cite another example, are the assholes assholes that all together, they are cheeky, shameless, kullu uyas, kcal uyas, and yet to test all their bullshit run screaming to the corrupt! , thief! While my friend

unemployed and wandering down the street wondering about how there are idiots (employees) who earn without doing anything and he did a dumb kicking cans, saw in the newspaper kiosk a small revistilla saying Manual asshole, how to live without work and take his neighbor's wife . ( ) Eureka! He had found his salvation and for a single penny of the sun, bought with the aim of becoming addled an asshole, but neither his face helped him to be. He had fallen into the bullshit. Today my friend is still dumb, convinced that being stupid is a vocation, but tasted the following:
"DEAR READER, we know very well that you're not an asshole course not! That's why you suffer as you suffer, because to live well in this country have to be stupid, otherwise you are exposed to the bullshit of others .. We are confident that after reading this little manual is now put at your disposal, you will make every effort to become a big fool, with all of the law, even if you have natural dispositions to be. "
Sofocleto also gives lessons on the bullshit in Peru. In his famous book The Dummy reflects thus: "Because the world is full of idiots, we could not define the company as" a conglomeration of famous bastards "and, therefore, to determine the exact location of dumb in our midst social would have to start formulating a typology Dummy in s two key events: a) An applicant for Dummy, b) The Dummy itself. "

"An applicant is not dumb, as might be expected, a minor or anything. It's just a subject that life gave him the opportunity to still make a great lunacy that serves as a doctoral thesis or slide in a sensational Cojudeo that prestige in the environment as a legitimate dumb ... "

" The Dummy itself is another matter. Born to be dumb and fulfills his destiny to perfection without burning stages, not to ride roughshod any of the requirements demanded by orthodoxy and liturgy of the Ancestral lunacy. When you put dumb professional horns, cheat, assail him, he's daughter pregnant and he returned to his sister. Has maiden aunts and goes to the circus just because it dazzles with the clown trapezius and the lions. It is always the last in the queue, which lost the lottery for a number and walks like a duck because he suffers chronic scalding. Like any real dumb, is a devotee of a saint rare, and cries Mexican films because he always identified with the bearing the brunt, and the case of Sara Garcia. The dumb itself, reaches its climax over thirty years and reached the apotheosis of the cincuentinueve. Of the sixty-up is what is called "an old dumb", which means they do not need but make the Grand Final lunacy to close with a flourish his career, before some idiot in the family to get him into the asylum charges of Arteriosclerosis Behavior Problems widespread and it is as psychiatrists call the bastards, to hide ... "

" I went to live among bastards with the intention of writing a book about them but on the twentieth day the bastards wrote, among all a book about me. I confess that it threw me into a sea of \u200b\u200bdoubt. Was I a fool among bastards, or was it a dumb four idiots? I had no way to find out and decided to look in the mirror to argue the point myself. Well, I found the most perfect face I've seen dumb in my life ...".

WOMEN: Oh God!
The enigma of the female
Sidewalk women can write thousands of volumes and yet men do not understand it. As a bullet curb them, we noted only a few references. John Gray and others say, and rightfully so-that men are from Mars and women from Venus (and, for misfortune and misery of both, do not live on Mars or Venus, live on Earth!) Who among men, real and fully understand the enigmatic women? But even they understand men. An example of this is the chorus pleading that between men and women tell each other: Ni with or without you my sorrows are hopeless, because I kill you, without you, because I die. (Told by Antonio Machado, referred to by Pablo Neruda).

I do not know what the hell have you and me, then, the more we hate, the more we want . This phrase (I think it belongs to Ricardo Palma, with apologies to the case), also plotted the enigmatic nature of the relationship between man and women (as in plural the latter). Moreover there is an album that I heard for a long time and in different places and said, more or less like this: Women are the qualify "If bad wives, daughters be bad, if bad sisters , if poor-law, sisters-be bad, if bad love ... with all men, the trio .. La Rosa says. " Women-when-not always a good reason to be in the cantina: If I'm not with her, I'm with the bottle for her , said my friend used to raise his glass. I get drunk for your love, I drunk, is heard on the radio.

The enigma that prevent women really know further increase if we look at women warriors, fighters, feared. There never really was a war with no women, many of which-the-wars have been caused by them-women. Recall, for example, of how the kidnapping of the beautiful Madame Helena, took humanity (Greece time) to a bloody and protracted war. In ancient Greece women warriors were called Amazons and tells the story were extremely feared mounted on horses as enemy soldiers killed mercilessly. Hippolyta was the head of one of the armies most feared female elite of his time. The Amazon, they say, were cut or burned right breast so you do not ner obstacles to using the bow and throw their arrows. But not only that, but their mothers girls right breast burning with hot irons and so managed not only stunted but forces pour into his right arm.

They also say that in the country of Amazons, men were not allowed but only those selected for fleeting sexual encounters (hit and run) to ensure new generations of Amazons , if born children were carried his parents, abandoned or killed. Speaking of women warriors, every conflagration or revolution featuring heroines always men called the Pasionarias. The apurimeña (Apurimac) Micaela Bastidas is an example of a Passion of the liberating revolution.

The extraordinary painter Rubens immortalized admiration (and misunderstanding) by women and entitled The Three Graces, inspired by the three daughters of Zeus in Greek mythology. The Christian religion, for its part, glorified women in the name of the three Santa Maria, Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany who witnessed the crucifixion and saw in the tomb, rose again ar Jesus and represent the three stars of heaven, are the famous Three Marias. I forgive the presumption, I have the Three Graces and the Three Marys, but not in painting, or history, nor in heaven but right here beside me, flesh and blood, my three daughters who will understand them?

And what about other universal woman of perfect beauty, intelligent, astute, and typical warrior tumbahombres: Cleopatra. The great military strategist Julius Caesar never lost a war until he came to Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, and lost not only the war but the head (and life), and while his enemies waged war to annihilate the poor Julius Caesar remained completely drunk, crazy and "dead" love for her.
However, Erasmus Rotterdam, convinced to meet women, he said: "For Women, the embodiment of stupidity. Is Female an inept and stupid animal, but, moreover, willing and gracious. So your company at home softens and sweetens with its melancholy folly and roughness of the masculine nature. ... If, perchance, any woman would lay space wise, but not get to be twice as foolish; ... Similarly, as the Greek proverb says, "but the monkey dressed in silk, mona stay," thus Women will always be women, that is, foolish, Dress up and dress up. "(In Praise of Folly Erasmus Rotterdam .- .- 1515)