Commission Strategic Plan of the Faculty
Resolution Dean N º 384-D-FCA-2008
Ciudad Universitaria, March 2010
Teaching Movement innovation and leadership, as known in l

believe that the true transformation of the Faculty needs to be systematic, organic and integral, for which the Strategic Plan requires the medium and long term serve as a context for the government plans of the Faculty and for annual . Given the importance of the Strategic Development Plan of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences proposed by the Committee on Development of the Plan appointed by the Faculty Council (RD N º N º 384-D-FCA-2008), Movement Teacher INNOVATION AND LEADERSHIP published herein by considering interest institutional. Leaving
expressly stated our congratulations to Dr. Nemesio Herrera Espinoza, President of the Commission, Dr. Mario Ibáñez and Arturo Machicao Cruzado Castaneda, all members of innovation and leadership, who have developed the Strategic Plan as a document proposal for a democratic debate.
City of San Marcos University, March 2010
Dr. Roger Loayza Eloy Saavedra
Chairman of the Executive Committee I and L
Mr. Leoni Vicente Silva Rojas
Member of Executive Committee I and L

Not only that, but has promoted Dean Valeriano unnecessarily, in coordination with Mr. Julio Lopez Mas, Juan Castillo and Pablo Mauricio Maza Pachas-a "Penalty" to the undersigned (Chairman of the Commission), supposedly because the Strategic Plan have "severely injured the university community and violated the Faculty responsibilities Faculty Council commended him", these arguments do not conform to the truth as I tried on several occasions and instances, so much so that the void, illegal, irrational and unfair "penalty" has not been executed and the Ombudsman has ordered the lifting. The real reason for the policy of persecution against me is the resolute position taken on corruption in the School several years ago. In this context, the Strategic Plan developed has been vilified and the undersigned, in his capacity as Chairman of the Commission, demonized.
This Strategic Plan is a visualization of sustainable development in the medium and long term faculty. It is a philosophical concept, a pipe dream, an ideal, a dream corporate institutional development of the Faculty of long-range that transcends the narrow framework of short-term perception, technical, utilitarian and pragmatic. The true development of the School System plans lawsuit in which the Strategic Development Plan, as president, should lead to government plans of the Faculty which lasts three years and annual plans scheduled and budgeted.
The Commission appointed to prepare the Strategic Development Plan of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences was chaired by the undersigned and composed by Dr. Mario Ibáñez Machicao and the Cruzado Arturo Castaneda teachers long, transparent and distinguished career in the Faculty.
Ciudad Universitaria de San Marcos in February 2010
Dr. Nemesio Herrera Espinoza
School Board Member
================ Following is the full text of the document without adding or removing a word, only accrue red text in brackets (footers) for the purpose of clarifying and / or extend the arguments contained in the Plan. PRESENTATION
La Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, with institutions of 457 years of successful academic career, created in 1984 the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, with the career of Directors. Currently the Faculty has three careers: Management, Tourism Management and International Business Management. Post-graduate level, the Faculty has a MBA program and a Doctorate in Business Administration. (See Article on 25 years of institutional life of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in San Marcos in ATARAXIA Bulletin No. 22. (Ataraxia is a working document of the Director-Minority-Espinoza Nemesio which publishes the issues related to the Faculty)
At first the College had no more than thirty teachers and ten administrative workers. Today it has about 200 teachers, 30 administrative officers and more than 2,500 students, being-after-the Faculty of Medicine Faculty of the second largest student population in San Marcos. In terms of infrastructure, the Faculty has a modern four-storey pavilion located University City. However
to this remarkable growth, the College has not yet managed to achieve the expected institutional development and we have missed the vast experience, reputation and image of the Universidad Mayor of Peru, the dean of America.
The modern world, with the living force of the philosophy of Total Quality, Competitiveness and Globalization, and demand requires a faculty that is immersed in modernity itself XXI century and the Third Millennium, therefore, require appropriate management to effectively contribute to the socio-economic development.
For this reason alone, it is necessary to reflect on our professional attitudes to display the direction that should be our Faculty of Management of the upper house of studies.
Every time we elected a new Board of Faculty and Dean, we hope the beginning of a true development (not to be confused development with growth) but we continue down this path, becoming more noticeable, the lack of efficient administration not But be Faculty of Administrative Sciences. Unfortunately, there is a lack of knowledge and imagination, for which reason we currently do not have a Strategic Plan for institutional development to establish guidelines to guide the efforts of the human potential of the Faculty, therefore we can not continue to manage so North improvised without any guidance. (The Commission had on hand some plans made at the faculty, but none has been implemented. One of them is proposed in the management of Dean Manuel Ruiz Garcia. Also had references to an Institutional Strategic Plan 2007-2011 developed in the management of Achilles Bedriñana Ascarza dean. This document was approved by resolution of the Dean of May 2007, at the end of his mandate. A requirements of the authorities of the University, the new Dean Valeriano Luis Fernando Ortiz, took over the management without any plan, he used to have it approved in August with Chancellor's Resolution 2007 and kept in absolute secrecy. Mr. Valeriano has not executed a single word of this Plan "approved", showing his contempt for the plans and confirming that "given" to the Faculty adrift. The other document Strategic Planning Period 2007-2011 (project) is from San Marcos University School of Industrial Engineering, 2007. We have also had before it the electronic document Institutional Strategic Plan 2007-2011 drafted by the San Marcos University.)
Given this alarming situation the Faculty Council at its Regular Meeting of May 27, 2008 unanimously agreed to form a committee to develop the Strategic Development Plan Faculty of Administrative Sciences, was officially appointed by the Dean's Resolution No. 384-D-FCA-2008 June 4, 2008 and amended on 16 September the same year. (The reason is that the issuance of the Resolution has been incorrectly written the names of the members of the Commission. Despite the written complaint was delayed nearly four months to correct. Later it would confirm that such acts were in bad faith. )
The Commission, after having completed the work, matter of custom, to the consideration of the gentlemen of the Faculty Council, this document entitled Strategic Development Plan of the Faculty of Science Management of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos for their information and for purposes
Ciudad Universitaria, December 2008
Dr. Nemesio Herrera Espinoza
Dr. Mario Ibáñez Arturo Castañeda
Cross oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Globalization, knowledge society, universities and Administration
configuration and the gradual consolidation of a globalized world society and knowledge predict the possibility of addressing a different way the process of economic and social development that essentially mean the gradual but steady improvement in the quality of life of the world population expressed in better health, education, employment, housing and peace.
Administration as a human activity is as old as the history of mankind, however, the Administration as a profession is already a century old and is provided with a doctrinal framework based on its principles, theories, elements, schools, systems, techniques and standards. Good account, the development of mankind in the last hundred years, due to the existence of government and is looming in the Administrative Science XXI century will be consolidated as a factor of socio-economic development of societies in the world. (The Administration is the main factor for the development of societies. Fortunately this view is not new. Peter F. Drucker identifies and displays the Administration (and administrators) as protagonists of the economic and social development of mankind and says that "The developing countries are not such, but Deputy Administrator country" (read the article by Nemesio Espinoza at (http: / /ño1_N 2).
Peru, on the other hand, as a developing country, dependent has yet to reach the welfare of his people . The levels of poverty and extreme poverty are still dormant. Peru, despite its natural comparative potential is extraordinary, however, a country with large areas of poverty, among other reasons because it lacks a new type of professional management capable of promoting socio-economic development of the country, applying science, technology and innovation in the field of Administration. (Henceforth, when we mention the phrase "professional management" we refer to the Bachelor of Administration, the Bachelor of Tourism Management and Bachelor of International Business Administration).
said Within the above context, the concept acquires a strategic connotation university is extremely important in the process of socio-economic development of a country, because it is the body that would guarantee the consolidation of the new society of knowledge and information in a global society through its core mission to train professionals, develop scientific research and outreach that contribute to the development of society. The new two-dimensional conception of the university symbiotic produce science, technology and innovation, on one hand, and train skilled professionals on the other, "to understand the significant impact that the university is in the process of development of societies worldwide.
The Peruvian university in general and the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in particular, which is part of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, face serious structural problems in the current conditions, it impossible to contribute effectively to economic and social development of the country because they do not produce science, technology and innovation is neither new type of professionals able to present times demand. (on the affairs of universities in Peru and the world see the following blog:
Due to the above explanation, the occupational unemployment is one of the great problems of the country. A huge number of graduates from public universities Peru and San Marcos, are unemployed or underemployed, according to the statistics. (On the alarming issue of professional unemployment in Peru see various sources, including: Retention of public universities (Nemesio Espinoza, 2005). Details INEI (George Hashaviah) and Jorge Ruiz Dávila (Congress). 2/19/1903 Perú21 Journal. Diario El Comercio 02/09/1929. Perú21 Journal 11/11/2003. The university in Peru (Christopher Aljovín UNMSM, 2005). Management University (Nemesio Espinoza, 2000). Study profile SUPPORT SA education market (several editions). Creation and Management of SMEs (Nemesio Espinoza, 2009). The skills and attitudes Business Administration students (Nemesio Espinoza, 2004, San Marcos). Is there professional underemployment in urban Peru?, GRADE, 2001.). In the case of professional unemployment attracts us most concern the alarming unemployment Management Professional, a problem that must analyze and study its solution. In this regard, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, faces serious structural problems in vocational training that makes it impossible to provide adequate levels of employability graduates (as managers or entrepreneurs) and also impossible to generate knowledge, science and technology in the field of Administration because there are serious limitations in scientific research. As a result of all this, the College does not contribute effectively to the process of economic and social development.
is in this national and international context in which it said should conceive the Strategic Development Plan of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, in order to contribute to the construction of new management arrangements for our faculty and contribute to forging Peruvian society more caring and fair.
The university therefore the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, has by nature four basic functions or activities, binding and precisely distinguish symbiotic from other educational institutions such as schools and colleges. These four essential interdependent functions which we call the 4 cornerstones (notably, in my capacity as chairman of the Committee, I have argued that there are three problems (Axis) principles: 1. Research 2. Vocational and 3. university management. The social outreach activities as well as production of goods and services are involved in the first two and should serve them. However, most have estimated considering four axes. I suggest reviewing the book Mission of the University of José Ortega y Gasset.) are:
AXIS 1. The training of professionals in Administration
AXIS 2: Scientific Research as a factor in the development of science, technology and innovation in the field of Administration.
AXIS 3: Production of Goods and Services and Social Projection
AXIS 4: Management of the Faculty
This means that the Department must consider at least the 4 axes to set the course of development in the medium and long term , ie to establish the Strategic Plan development.
is necessary to note that the four strategic issues identified should be considered as one. If one goes wrong, everything goes wrong. The Faculty will be able to will fly the road to sustainable development if it is not conceived as a system whose elements are the 4 axes previously mentioned.
For all the statements, the current situation of the Faculty of Management must view it in light of the four pillars set forth above, pointing to strategic issues only, not the details "of each of them to describe their current situation .
overall assessment of the current situation Faculty, we find it embedded within various structural constraints that impede the training of competent administrators' own times, impedes the realization of scientific research makes it impossible to project to society (social projection) and prevents enforce a new model of management of the Faculty. For these reasons, it is evident the need for the College has a Strategic Plan for development in the medium and long term.
In Peru, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, with few exceptions, suffer from serious difficulties structural consequence of which there are concerns perhaps the most important being the high unemployment rate of our professionals.
In the context described is inserted the issue of our faculty that, since its birth, more specifically since its creation as an independent School (1984) - is in permanent structural crisis (We have to be gentlemen to recognize that reality School is not so and that there are still major constraints to achieving academic excellence, quality of scientific research and the efficient and transparent management of the Faculty. See the following articles Nemesio Espinoza (Restructuring and university approval, the Republic 05.08.1905, University of San Marcos: the decade of lost opportunities .- Express 06/05/1901 and 24/05/2001 The Republic, the University and National Development Express 19 / 11 / 02). Precise objectivity in diagnosis and avoid euphemisms to project real changes in the institution. If there is a crisis, corruption and mediocracy (climate of mediocrity), it must be said.) . and does not contribute effectively to economic and social development of the country because, as mentioned, there are serious structural limitations that prevent the company delivering business professionals and new type of competent and acceptable levels of employability and prevent also generate new knowledge, technologies and innovations through scientific research in Management. ("two realities" low academic quality and the absence of Scientific Research in the levels of quality that new times demand-rise professional unarmed and without adequate conditions of employability "(Force of Peru's public universities, Nemesio Espinoza) .
the institutional sense is that you want to join the list of powers of the country's universities declining to make "professional" virtually cloned unemployment and underemployment, which do not produce science and technology in government because no scientific research is conducted under conditions of modernity requires, not linked to society and there is no effective and transparent management of the Faculty, the latter situation that enables the institutionalization and consolidation of corruption and mediocrity. (In my capacity as Chairman of the Committee preferred, and prefer-using the term "mediocracy" (climate of mediocrity) and not "mediocrity", as credited in the drafts. But the Commission has characterized the idea of \u200b\u200bnot using the word "mediocracy.)
In our institution, these towns mentioned have to change to new competitive goals. For this reason we believe that there is a clear and urgent need for the gradual implementation of a restructuring of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences which primarily focuses its efforts on achieving:
1. Academic Quality in the formation of new professional managers and entrepreneurs of San Marcos that the country needs.
2. Quality in Scientific Research that leads to the intellectual output of their faculty and students, development of administrative science and technology consistent with national reality.
3. The active link to the society through the production of goods and services, outreach and extension programs.
4. The launch of a new model of management faculty that lead to the adoption of a new organizational culture in which predominates the ethics, morality, transparency, competitiveness and institutional will to continued fight against corruption and mediocracy. (Corruption and mediocracy are harmful to organizations. For corruption is not only in monetary terms (money) but also to make use of benefit charges to individuals or groups to the detriment of development organizational. Purchase is to alter or reverse the form of something (of the Act, for example), is bribed with gifts or otherwise, is a vice or abuse of morality, is to alter something, is to spoil anything, it is distorting the financial year normal civil service is transgression of the moral and legal standards for private gain economic or otherwise. Corruption is also cover intentional acts. The shielding the corrupt, corrupt. The writers set many categories of corruption ranging from abuse of authority to the misappropriation of public money. On the other hand the word mediocracy-word is not common in our everyday language or does not appear in the dictionary of the Royal English Academy "denotes, at least for purposes of this document, the" climate of mediocrity ", means" rule of mediocrity "," power of the poor ", the exercise of to create conditions for the proliferation of mediocrity. "Mediocracy is a situation in the Society in Which mediocre people prevail," Wikipedia. (See the treatise on mediocre mediocracy in Man Jose Ingenieros).
The best indicator of good quality training is knowing what, how and where are the graduates in their profession. In the case of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences do not have this information. For this reason it is necessary studies and research to know exactly where and how are the graduates of the Faculty over the past 10 years. (In the Faculty Council have proposed, for example, that as a research team financed with own resources to carry out the research study of employability of the graduates of the FCA for 2000-2010 in order UNMSM to know "for sure" a reality and consistent with it to establish new training strategies, but unfortunately was rejected the proposal.)
With no information regarding the professional performance and the reality with which graduates of the School can not establish how many professionals are either unemployed or underemployed. (The research consulting firm Apoyo SA, one of its reports, shows that nationally, the race of Directors has professional high unemployment).
One of the factors that generate this unpleasant situation (professional unemployment) is the traditional admission process that ensures that only those entering the Faculty real vocation that has professional university by management and entrepreneurship, for it is urgent to design and implement a new system of admission to the Faculty. ("The college student is the key to academic quality. One of the major causes of the fiasco of the professionals in Peru is precisely because it admits students without calling universities university ... The university can not be taken as an outlet of a huge contingent of unemployed youth with no future "(Force of Peru's public universities, page 32).
On the other hand, the lack of competitive conduct of our graduates is well known, in three races: International Business, Tourism and Administration due to a predominantly traditional training strategy of "teaching and learning" in addition to this the lack of scientific research. Therefore, there is in the Faculty of the imperative need for change gradually strategies for teaching and training-through methodologies such as the construction of knowledge (constructivism), E-learning, learning by doing, etc .- in the context of the third millennium and the era of virtual communication, all this great movement to insert the permanent institutional reorganization of the curriculum in its corporate sense.
Professional Training Administration, tourism and business international standards should be directed toward a fair level of academic quality and scientific research to allow the formation of a new generation of professionals in business administration and the new century and millennium demand. (It is important to note that in the case of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences is not only to train professionals in management, but must also emphasize the training of entrepreneurs. The majority of the Commission, although the suggestion has should not be seen by referring to the training of entrepreneurs but only to administrators. See some articles related to training entrepreneurs in the Faculties of Directors: The training of entrepreneurs in universities, Nemesio Espinoza, Management magazine in the Third Millennium "- Year 2 No. 4, January 2000 or bibVirtual / Publications / administration /. The training of entrepreneurs in business schools in (Links: February 2009 and June 2009).
The other key factor in the reality of our faculty and is related to academic quality is the teacher, a key factor in achieving academic excellence. The teacher can not, should not "teach what has not practiced. To achieve academic excellence, requires experienced professionals in their field, with master's degrees, doctor and researchers by vocation. Teachers have been and are admitted to the chairs without necessarily having the teaching vocation and it does not guarantee the performance of university research. ("No training or further training in university pedagogy of teachers. The accountant, administrator, engineer, doctor, lawyer who acts as such are no longer professors in classrooms and teachers necessarily become. To train professionals and form minds are not disciplinary but professional tasks of the educator role. (Validity of public universities Peru, page 39). Mario Bunge states: "The Latin American academics do not investigate, teach too many hours to live. A teacher who transmits to her students research new knowledge, curiosity and passion for the pursuit of truth. " "Much of Latin American universities are not such, they are simply sites that teach something you learned 50 years ago. The traditional university is dogmatic and bookish and therefore memorable.)
Another remaining challenge is to the academic degrees earned by teachers in the Faculty abroad, especially from European countries. The professor is recognized and accepted as such only if it can establish the legal recognition, thereby avoid that the university teachers wishing to be recognized for academic degree that legally there is not, affecting not only the morale of a university like St. Marcos but also the academic quality of the trainees.
Scientific Research in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, although support is given annually to faculty researchers, the results of such investments is nil because they do not contribute to the process of training Student or less contribute to the development of the national society because they are not generating science and technology administration. The design of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, modern and very competitive in the new millennium, reassess and prioritize passes Scientific Research in Management as an essential factor in national development process. (On the importance of scientific research in general see the following articles published by Nemesio Espinoza: University management and its influence on the production of science, technology and innovation in public universities in Peru, paper presented at V International Congress Higher Education, 2006 University of Havana, Cuba. Professionalism in science diffusion in Peru's public universities, paper presented at the Tenth Meeting RED-POP, May 2007, San Jose, Costa Rica . The popularization of science and technology in Peru in San Marcos N º 128 a day in May 2007 and semanarios/149.pdf November 2007. Scientific Research in Management, Management Review in the Third Millennium .- Year 7 No. 13 July 2004 .- UNMSM and The Management of Science and Technology in Peru's public universities paper presented at the XI International Seminar on Technology Management - ALTEC 2005, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. Postgraduate studies and production of science and technology in Peru, paper presented at the International Congress on Knowledge, University of Santiago de Chile, Nov. 2008. Science and technology in development, a view from Latin America, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Mexico, 2009 book On Line: 20CyT.pdf
All in the previous paragraph, demands of a comprehensive restructuring of the Research Institute of the School to remain not only a speech try to change everything, that is a noble decision, participation and academic practically possible. In this context, the formation of the new San Marcos university professional manager should be based on the results of applied scientific research, developed by teachers and students of the Faculty careers, otherwise, would remain mere recipients and disseminators of foreign literature (books imported) with a language, models, management science and technology applicable to other realities.
One of the expressions the serious difficulty we have in the work of scientific research is that it devalues \u200b\u200bthe need for training of scientific researchers in Administration, both teachers and students in undergraduate and graduate. An example of this is that even in the Curriculum there is a trunk line connected to the training of researchers. The development of the work of the Scientific Research Administration exprofeso requires training of researchers from the first to the tenth cycle.
Do not follow the devaluation of Scientific Research. Scientific Research is inherent in the nature of the university, School as its fundamental purpose, and counterproductive, for example, cancel the requirement of submission of thesis or research work to obtain the academic degree of Bachelor of Administrative Sciences. So the notorious "bachelor machine" that is disrupting the very nature of the university, is harmful to the university for the Faculty, for the same graduate and the development of science and technology.
Moreover, the work of Scientific Research Administration have necessarily translate into concrete results rather than as scientific articles, theses, books, papers, etc. where they are embodied the new knowledge, inventions, science, technology, innovations in management and results of research work, the same to be published for the information, analysis, validation or refutation of the scientific community of Directors. The Faculty
there research journal which has funding from the university, however, is far from being a true scientific research journal because it is not published scientific articles and research findings that teachers and students do so arises the need for strategic relaunch of this medium disseminating the results of scientific research work in order to have national and international impact and become a scientific research journal indexed and indexed. (the research journal Management in the Third Millennium is not yet, despite his many years of existence, a journal indexed or indexed. The only time I had such a feature was the issue N º 13 (Year 7, No. 13, July 2004 ) which was converted into LATINDEX On Line Magazine (Regional Information System for Online journals of Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal). The subsequent efforts of the Research Institute Faculty unfortunately not lived up to maintain the validity of the international status of the research journal and today remains insignificant.)
teachers in the Faculty and students are not involved in the research work so that teachers "teach" and students "learn", without research work, making the rooms in places where only science and technology is diffused from outside, especially the United States.
The existence of the Research Institute at the School is just purely formal and consumer of resources (salary of the director, secretary, assistant, financing of "projects", edition of magazine "research" workshops "research", office equipment, water, electricity, telephone, etc..) without any impact on the development of new knowledge, science, technology and innovation in the field of Administration.
Unit Post
degree should be the best expression of Scientific Research in the Faculty. However it is a unit taken only as a source of income and not as a source of development of science, technology and innovation (will show the "strong commodification of the graduate to develop according to demands. You begin to see the graduate as a resource and not as research space "(" Higher Education in Latin America graduate and research ", Conference of Claudio Branch at the National University of Cajamarca, August 2007). Rama is one of the leading intellectuals in Latin America on the matter of universities. See also Administration through masters and doctoral theses because they are not actively or primarily promotes scientific research. As in undergraduate, graduate remain prevalent in traditional methodologies of "teaching and learning" the examinations. and is still considered to scientific research, paradoxically, as purely formal and marginal activity. (Unit Graduate School of Administrative Sciences in San Marcos, is "should be" an eminently Center for Scientific Research and involves the production, dissemination and application of science, technology and innovation management, absolutely necessary for the development of the country, all of which must be reflected in the theses. However, the UPG is considered by their managers only as a source of income and not as a unit of scientific development in Administration in Peru. The reality is that the UPG not promote scientific research and remain in force even-as in undergraduate-the archaic methods of "teaching and learning," the dogmatic teaching classes, examinations, the mere dissemination of knowledge canned , preparation of monographs, etc.. (See Ataraxia N º 17 August 2009)
The Faculty of Management, however more than two decades of its existence as School is non-existent goods and services and such as university outreach and extension in its real dimension and meaning. School good account is running back to society, the productive sector nationally and internationally, resulting in a Faculty isolated, cloistered.
This prevents any quality in the training of professionals in three runs for Administration, prevents any scientific research activities directly related to the society and the public and private productive sector. Also prevents the growth of its own resources generated in particular through the activities of the production of goods and services. Because of this reality the preaching about Administration is done in their classrooms, are still eminently theoretical, bookish, dogmatic, foreignizers, impeding the competitiveness of graduates from public because no links theory with practice because the College is a bubble. (suffice, for example, that the Faculty was linked to the Industrial Park in Villa El Salvador and / or business conglomerate Gamarra, and so on. This would be for the Faculty have large laboratories formed by thousands of businesses with all their millions in infrastructure , which would work entrepreneurs, teachers and students of the hand, thereby merging theory with practice. Thus would be achieved better training for managers and entrepreneurs as well as better performance of real scientific research in the field of Administration. On these issues see the articles published by Nemesio Espinoza: University-SME and corporate competitiveness mechanism and technological innovations among SMEs in http:/ / / BibVirtualData / publications / administration /. The first article was also cited in the document Strategic Planning Period 2007-2011 (draft) of the Industrial Engineering Faculty of San Marcos, 2007, p. 26. Important results also, moreover, that the School promotes participation in the creation of business incubators and technology parks that will enable to achieve academic excellence and quality in scientific research. See the physical item and Electronic Technology Parks regional magazine in the Third Millennium Management, Volume 10 No. 20, December 2007 (Link April 2008). However
that universities are able to set production activities of goods and services in the Faculty of Management has not developed any initiative in this regard. (See Article 79 of the University Law (Law No. 23,733). On the other hand, has raised the need to create in the Faculty Center for Production of Goods and Services. The School Board appointed a committee chaired by Professor Robert Miranda Castillo (Regular Session dated 15/04/08) for project development. This Committee did not meet the request of the Faculty Council.)
In an effort to generate economic resources (profitability) the Faculty is the Centre of University Extension and Social Projection (CEUPS) for many years without any transparency in the economic management of their income.
has been established at the Faculty the mistaken notion that university outreach and extension is to offer training courses to raise funds and generate additional income to their promoters (but not the faculty), instead of projecting itself into society to engage with it and create opportunities for better vocational training and scientific research activities.
A fourth issue that should be paying attention. Achieving adequate levels of academic quality in vocational training and in achieving results in implementing scientific research science and technology generated, demands efficient management of the university. While traditional models have effective university management, as in some universities in the country, including San Marcos and the Faculty, it will be impossible to achieve the objectives axes. ("The current public university is doomed to bear the heavy cross of an obsolete model of university management force. What we have in Peru is an extraordinary university oversized bureaucracy, irrational, chaotic, archaic and often corrupt. The university is doomed, hopelessly, to be led by university managers (rectors, deans, directors, managers) which generally are still traditional, archaic, medieval and backward virtually institutionalized the mediocracy and corruption in national universities "(Espinoza, 2005; Effective public universities in Peru, page 8). See also Zeno items Peace on this in
Without planning there, there should be "management. This is an elementary principle of administrative science is preached in university classrooms around the world, should be the creed of every professional university administrator, but in our Faculty is managed without any Plan system in the short, medium and long term. School is managed without applying the canons of the Administration to "teach" in university classrooms, including the importance of the Plans. This reality makes the Faculty either as a blacksmith's house but that she used a wooden knife.
Those who assumed the government of the School, devoted only to "manage" what is routine, day pass or flush the river "for them to chaos and mediocrity has no meaning, then the result is zero, no change for institutional development. Without a vision of who runs the School Council ( Faculty, deans, directors, officers, etc..) periods of government have spent just doing the routine, with some effort to "meet as" the period of government negotiated a formal power and impeding the search for structural changes sustained development of the Faculty. This is a fact known to all (Those who administer the Faculty "are not necessarily experts in university administration, they are, rather, 'experts' to make' political calculations' are 'working in domestic politics', governed by' the majority vote 'are' versed 'to inflict' punishment 'to his opponents are 'versed' in cubiliteos, transactions, lobbies, are 'hardened' in tip knife and treachery, are 'working' in the lie, diatribes, are being deformed emulators Machiavelli "(Espinoza, 2005; Effective public universities Peru, page 54).
The School's organizational structure is not suited to the needs and demands of this new era of knowledge, global, competitive and quality. The organizational structure of the Faculty is being cloned, outdated, bureaucratic and irrational, so it is that it is oversized, heavy and expensive and irrational which leads inevitably the roots of corruption and sustained the mediocracy. (If we review the organizational structure of the College (organization), the organization "is being outdated, bureaucratic and irrational" itself of the last century, and for the worse, "cloned" it is the same "straitjacket" for all powers of Peru. This organizational model is incompatible with the new conditions of this century and millennium. (on this see the book Management University, Espinoza 2000, pages 206 to 253). On the other hand, has argued that the "Direction Academic "and" Academic Department "meet criteria anachronistic organizational impeding the sound and transparent management of the Faculty and has raised the absorption of the first to the Administrative Office and the dissolution of the latter. The majority of the Commission, however, not well considered and respected. The functions of "Academic Board" are essentially functions of an administrative nature and therefore correspond to the Administrative exercised. The ancient concept of "Academic Department," which follows the canons "Departmental" of centuries past, "does not contribute at all to the good performance of the Faculty, on the contrary, in its way. Ie spends considerable resources each year the "coordination" for nothing. This is irrational.)
(In such conditions it is impossible to institutional development resulted in the academic quality of our faculty's graduate training and scientific research, therefore, impossible that the School can contribute effectively to national development.
If we review the current organization of the Faculty, we see that is a traditional and archaic structure in which there are areas like the so-called "Academic Board", "Academic Department", "Document Processing" numerous "commissions" and other areas which together mean the expenditure of substantial resources from the Faculty, however, far from promoting institutional development, the lock due to serious deficiencies in organizational and managerial nature. This fact is disputed, the absolute gap of university rules (statutes, regulations, etc..) Existing dating back more than two decades (since 1984) and are counterproductive to the current organizational modernity.
The organizational structure, the Faculty Board or the Board, as the highest body of management and governance, "not an authority able to set the broad strategic development of the Faculty. Quite the opposite, becoming an organ of "political management", in which the directors are, in turn, directors and / or permanently have line officers' conflicts of interests "power groups, who, being judge and a party-created conditions for a non-transparent and allow management also, inevitably, pregnancy and the consolidation of corruption and mediocracy. (In the last 10 years, the College has not, in real terms, a real Faculty Council as the highest organ of government. As the majority of Councillors at a time directors, the Faculty Councils are being mediated and without power to exercise government oversight of the Faculty since its members are judges and, at the same time, parts, as happens today with Dean Valeriano Fernando Ortiz, who all Directors are, in turn, Advisers. This situation brings inevitable consequence the proliferation of corruption and mediocracy in the Faculty.)
The traditional model of organization "that has now been determined that the School of Graduate Studies Unit has the nature of" extraterritoriality "or" Faculty mini "bureaucratic with academic and administrative decisions and dictatorial as absolutely autonomous Postgraduate Unit has its own" coordinator academic "," administrative coordinator "and" Steering Committee "appointed by the director at your convenience without the School Board would audit.
Economic Management Unit Postgraduate-despite being the most important source of generation of income for the College-is virtually a matter of "state secret" because they are not known or controlled, therefore, economic management Graduate is not clear. This reality creates conditions not only to prevent a modern and competitive management graduate but also creates conditions for establishment of corruption and mediocrity. Furthermore
School budget only serves to keep the crisis and not for institutional development and long term. The Faculty lacks mechanisms that allow transparent economic management based on a budget for institutional development. Economic management has enabled the College not being transparent financial management, is the budget and its implementation issues considered almost as a "state secret" possible lack of transparency in economic management.
The budget of the Faculty (own revenues), which is about 3 million new soles have been maintained in recent years with no budget ceiling increases Substantive due to lack of initiatives and directives.
On the other hand, the issue of Administrative Simplification, expressed primarily on issues of administrative procedures, is another of the great problems that have never played in the Faculty. Administrative procedures (Steps) and the documentary system (files, forms, library) are still a heavy administrative burden and irrational. The Faculty, however, lacks a system of administrative documents, are not carried out administrative streamlining, the files (assets and liabilities) are absent, the procedures are simplified, and so on. ("Universities public (and faculty) have lead feet because they have documentary bureaucratic systems, heavy, cumbersome, complex, irrational, costly in the style of centuries ago "(Espinoza, 2005; Effective public universities in Peru, page 59).
management of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, on the other hand, is characterized by expressions of almost institutionalized corruption where authorities have not established permanent mechanisms to fight against them and, conversely, to promote them. (In the current senior management Valeriano Fernando Ortiz, for example, a number of allegations of corruption and mediocracy. See the complaints and motions in the 28 editions of Ataraxia, see, also, the 12 statements of Teaching Innovation and Leadership Movement). But the worst is that all these witnesses of corruption and mediocracy are taken as "normal" for those who manage and up to the university community of the Faculty which has proved permissive. While corruption and not gradually removed mediocracy is impossible to undertake the actual development of the Faculty. It is important to clarify that when we say that the management of the Faculty there are indications of corruption and mediocracy, we are not saying that teachers, students, faculty and administrative corruption we or poor, what we are saying is that those managing the Faculty (counselors, deans, directors, managers) commit such acts in institutional prejudice. When we say that there is corruption and mediocracy-proven again and again, those involved feel "touched" and say they are "slander, defamation and slander.")
corruption is not only in monetary terms but also in to use fees to benefit individuals or groups to the detriment of organizational development. Purchase is to alter or reverse the form of something (of the Act, for example) are bribed with gifts or otherwise, is a vice or abuse of morality, is to alter something, is to spoil anything, it is distorting the normal exercise of public functions, is transgression of the moral and legal standards for private gain economic or otherwise. Corruption is also cover intentional acts. The writers on corruption down to 17 categories ranging from abuse of authority to the misappropriation of public money.
(The primacy of a bookish conception and even alienated from what the theory of Strategic Planning (from USA) has made the concepts we have in our Orthodox and dogmatic about the subject that leads us to getting lost in "sophisticated" rigors "technical", clichés and stereotypes that makes them lose their authors views and is one of the main reasons why these "Plans" are only on paper. Since this is a Strategic Plan (long term) the Commission has decided to bring only strategic aspects when weakness, opportunity, strength and threat of the Faculty (SWOT) to which symbiotic combination has been called the School Strategic Thinking .)
strategic Fortress
The strength of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, in its subjective side is in the image and prestige of the university, dean of America, then and the experience of many years of its faculty, in the objective part is its modern infrastructure and staff strongly identified with their institution.
strategic medium-term Become a Model School for the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and long term in a faculty model for universities in Peru and Latin America, with highly qualified graduates, professionally and morally well-trained competitively be credited to the height of the image of San Marcos.
Strategic Weakness
Validity of a misconception regarding the training of professionals in the Administrative branch: Management, Tourism and International Business, which adds a traditional management of the Faculty where mediocrity and corruption appear to be institutionalized.
The strategic threat
In the absence of structural changes that lead to immediately implement the Strategic Plan, there is a risk that the Faculty is discredited as a faculty in the university system in Peru, which would mean that our future graduates continue increasing the high percentage occupational unemployment.
Administrative Sciences Faculty of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos is shaping up to be a faculty with high academic standards in vocational training, quality of scientific research that will translate into the intellectual, scientific and technological as for teachers and students and social screening in order to contribute to socio-economic development of the country and to build a just and egalitarian society.
The mission of the Faculty Administrative Science should be directed to the interrelationship of the four axes:
A) Training professional managers in accordance with the requirements of the third millennium with academic quality, global mindset, with moral and ethical individuals with multidisciplinary expertise and do so competitive, they ensure the employability of graduates.
B) To develop science and technology in the field of Administration through the Scientific Research
C) Develop the production of goods and services and social outreach activities and university extension
D) Implement a new model of management of the Faculty
both the vision and mission of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and the fulfillment of the strategic objectives set out below require a new mindset and corporate culture of the Faculty, which must be projected medium and long term, since it is essentially a change of mind (thinking and attitudes) of both authorities, teachers, students and administrators.
Without a new scale of values \u200b\u200bin men and without a new organizational culture, and Faculty of Management, will be impossible to process institutional change.
The proposed values \u200b\u200bof a new institutional culture:
1. Mysticism and vocation convicted for exercising scientific management and the exercise of Scientific Research by teachers and students
2. Honesty, transparency, accountability, legality, morality and efficiency in carrying out the charges to take teachers and administrative orders and made to students.
3. Honest and ethical commitment in the ongoing struggle against all manifestations of corruption and mediocrity
4. Will full and sincere commitment to work for the institutional development Faculty, above individual interests.
5. Institutional awareness of the role of faculty in academic accreditation process and organizational development for the contribution to economic and social development of the country.
five main strategic objectives with respect to the professional training of Administrative Sciences
(This is not to make a long list of well-intentioned goals. As this is a strategic plan (long term ) only show 5 in each of the axes considered that the Commission's opinion are the highest priority. Corresponds to the operational and tactical plans detailed calendalizarlos and budget.)
1. Make arrangements with professors of the Faculty on an attitude of detachment to develop the new curriculum in corporate form and viable, achievable with full involvement of senior management officials of the School, teachers and students. In a second stage, coordinate with the Faculty of Administration of the universities of Peru, on forms of cooperation and understanding on the new profile of the Bachelor of Administrative Sciences in each of the races. In this same schedule forms of rapprochement and cooperation between the Faculties Management Latin American and the world with the intention to establish framework agreements for a better understanding of the curricula, teaching as a basis for the realities and needs of national development and on the basis of the professional profile of professional management.
2. Gradually establishing a distinct profile of the teaching staff of the faculty based on:
university teaching vocation - the calling to scientific research and proven research
- Requirement of the degrees of Master or Doctor in Business Administration for
teaching - International mobility, at least two countries.
- Availability a dedicated full-time, preferably.
3. Gradually attracting a new kind of applicants graduated from high school to ensure students a new type of three races for the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, through a new entrance examination system preferably evaluates the vocation, knowledge and skills by the Administration and avoid the overcrowding of students. To encourage meritorious students and to ensure the international mobility of students and the granting of national and international scholarships.
4. Effectively establish the link between our faculty with the national public industrial business and private agreements for pre-professional, conducting research and to actively promote the Faculty participate in the creation of business incubators and technology parks.
5. Link effectively and actively training our students to scientific research, vindicated the requirement of submission of thesis or research work for the degree of Bachelor academic and business plans for the granting of professional titles.
five main strategic objectives regarding the development of science and technology in the field of career Body through Scientific Research.
1. Arrange and agree on a permanent, active and corporate university community of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in San Marcos, with the faculties at the universities of Peru and the world to boost new strategies for Scientific Research on the basis of areas, lines and priority research programs in the three Schools of the Faculty that the development of the country demands.
(On Line, Program and Policy Research see, for example, the document National Strategic Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation for Competitiveness and Human Development PNCTI 2006 - 2021, CONCYTEC, 2006. Also see document Final Report of the Workshop on Research 2004 Scientific Production Management, published by the Research Institute of Administrative Sciences Faculty of San Marcos, October 2004.)
2. Institute research training through a real reorganization of the curriculum in which scientific research work are essential and priority in the daily work of teachers and students in a context of international mobility in the field of research.
3. Reorganize Research Institute of the Faculty, in its years of existence has not contributed to the better training of students has not promoted a real scientific research in administration, the essence of the Faculty.
4. Reorganize Unit Graduate School of moving towards scientific research and the improvement of university teaching, therefore, the master's and doctoral theses should be directed towards the development of science and technology administration.
5. Update the scientific publication system that involves the gradual revival of the Journal of Research of the Faculty, a magazine that despite being founded many years ago, has failed to have an impact even at the institutional level of the Faculty. Update the scientific publication system also involves the organization (and participation) of national and international scientific events, the use of popular science media (print, visual, spoken, etc.). to contribute to strengthening national scientific culture. Also evident is the need for budget to fund national and international scientific events, at the height of the image of our university. AXIS 3
five strategic objectives for the production of goods and services, outreach and university outreach
1. Restructure the Centre for University Extension and Social Projection (CEUPS) and create the Production Unit of Goods and Services as a single address
2. Up businesses (small and micro-) production and capital services of the Department and administered by teachers and students
3. Establish active agreements with corporate conglomerates, mainly with the SME business sector as well as medium and large enterprises (business associations) to give the Faculty of a large corporate lab for teachers and students-matched the theory taught in the classroom with the practice and conduct scientific investigations.
4. Creating the Business Service Centre as the site of San Marcos, to provide counseling services and business consulting.
5. Create counseling offices and business consulting in different regions and headquarters of conglomerates
five main strategic objectives for a new model of administrative management of the Faculty
1. Promote administrative positions are filled by internal competition and / or public, always in a climate of meritocracy. Declare the incompatibility of the positions of director positions with executive line management. A restructuring of allowances to Councillors so that their jobs are duly rewarded.
2. Transfer gradually the functions of the Academic Board to the Administrative Office, the same should be strengthened. Strengthen and restructure, gradually, the functions of the Department of Academic Coordination. Relaunch of creating CEUPS Unit Production of Goods and Services.
3. Reorganization of the three schools. Establish a medium term program of administrative simplification process. Promote the electronic management of the Faculty (Intranet and Extranet). Gradual transfer of functions Office Document Processing to the Secretariats of each area, especially the Dean. Restructuring and reallocation of physical environments. Creating the documentation and administrative and academic records of the Faculty
4. Restructuring of the budget for the College by creating new sources of income, and with transparent and cost-effective current income
5. Ongoing fight against corruption and mediocrity, creating for this purpose a court of honor corruption.
Just these four issues or axes that we have noted (academic quality in the training of managers, scientific research in management, production of goods, services and outreach, and a new management of the Faculty) are the foundations of national and international accreditation Faculty. The School can not be credited if a professional is not competent in all three races of Directors, if they do not develop science and technology management through scientific research, if it does not relate to society and if you do not have a new management faculty.
Faculty Only accredited can contribute to national development. And the faculty can be established effectively if one considers that the accreditation process is the result of the implementation of the objectives outlined in this document for each of the four areas of institutional development.
The Faculty of Management is accredited nationally and internationally in the medium and long term to the extent that academic quality has in the formation of a new generation of professional managers in all three races, there is development of science and technology through Scientific Research, which has social projection, and there is a new, effective and transparent management Faculty. But above all, it requires the full political will to want to make real changes in the Faculty.
are endemic in the management of the Faculty. It works by acting. Only managed the crisis, the economic situation. We do not know the way that the College should move from here at 5, 10, 15, 20. In each period of a new government of the Faculty who is three years, they act without a system of plans, in fact no Plan, not knowing what to do to achieve sustained development of the Faculty. This reality is due in large measure, the current situation of the Faculty who is not in the academic and scientific modern times require. So there is absolute need to promote the institutionalization of a culture planner in the Faculty if they really want to train new managers and entrepreneurs as well as achieving quality scientific research.
"At home, a blacksmith, a wooden knife." Paradoxically, in the business school, some will argue that "plans are useless, thus negating the very essence of Administration. A plan is a plan. It's a thought, an idea, a desire, a vision, a dream which way to go and how. A plan is just a guide, a map, but this must be taken. Plans are to sail the boat that allow us to handle the winds to reach a satisfactory conclusion "against all odds." The worst thing is drifting.
Given these considerations suggest the following to the School Plan system composed of three interrelated plans: A) The Strategic Development Plan 2010-2020 long-term, B) The Government Plan 2010-2013 medium term that derives A) and, C) Annual Tactical Plan 2010-2011 in the short term that comes from B).
Teaching Movement INNOVATION AND LEADERSHIP made according to Plan B Plan A with their respective first Annual Plan 2010-2011 and the Summary. Interested parties may request these documents to any of the heads of R and L (
Planning System, Faculty, and display the short, medium and long-term comprehensive development, can guide the construction of a new school that truly contributes to national development, giving the company a new generation of professionals adequate levels of employability, producing science, technology and innovation in management and achieving an efficient and transparent management Faculty in the ongoing struggle against all expressions of corruption and mediocracy.
Dr. Nemesio Herrera Espinoza
Responsible for this edition